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انعكاسات الصورة الذهنية لتغطية الفضائيات العربية والاجنبية لقضايا الهجرة غير الشرعية لدى الجمهور العربى /
المنيراوى، منير جمعه محمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / منير جمعه محمد المنيراوى
مشرف / محمد معوض إبراهيم
مشرف / مروي السعيد السيد حامد
مناقش / سامي السعيد احمد النجار
مناقش / محمود عبدالعاطي مسلم
الهجرة - جوانب اجتماعية. الهجرة غير الشرعية - جوانب اجتماعية. الصحافة الإلكترونية. الشباب - أحوال اجتماعية.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
مصدر الكترونى (226 صفحة) :
العلوم الاجتماعية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الآداب - قسم الإعلام
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 226

from 226


The study aimed to know the trends of the study sample towards issues of illegal immigration, and to reveal the mental image left by Arab or foreign satellite channels on the issue of illegal immigration, in addition to knowing the elements of highlighting that foreign and Arab satellite channels used to cover illegal immigration issues, where the researcher used the approach The survey, and the researcher relied on the survey newspaper, the content analysis newspaper, and the interview as tools for collecting his information, as he applied the study to a sample of the Arab public, which consisted of 420 individuals. The industrial week, and the most important findings of the study were: 1- More than half of the study sample, 56%, are interested in following up illegal immigration issues in Arab and foreign satellite channels. 2- The percentage of those who are convinced of illegal immigration is very high, reaching 61.7%, which is a dangerous indicator of the reality and future of young people. 3- The follow-up of the study sample contributed to the knowledge of the countries of asylum to which the immigrants go and the follow-up to the latest developments in immigration laws. 4- The media news material used on Arab or foreign satellite channels contributed significantly to improving the positive mental image of the reality of illegal immigration by 44.3%. 5- The two channels of the study relied, in their coverage of the issue of illegal immigration, on natural voices in the transmission of events, and this enhances the strength of the viewer’s attendance and follow-up of the events. 6- There is a correlation between the rate of Arab public follow-up to satellite channels and the decision to migrate. 7- France 24 channel relied on the news format that relies on live and direct coverage of immigration news, while Al Jazeera relied more on news only in its bulletins, which may be accompanied by archived material or visual or graphic effects to enhance the image. The study recommends: 1- Activating the role of the Arab League regarding the issue of illegal immigration by Arab immigrants and following them up, and taking a number of steps such as putting pressure on Arab countries to bear part of the refugees, and strengthening joint cooperation between countries in helping them to absorb. 2- Paying attention to the issues of Arab immigrants and placing them on the agenda of Arab diplomacy and working to draw a positive mental image of their countries.