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A Layer-Based Runtime Framework for Enabling Cloud Computing into Fog Stratum /
Ibrahim, Ahmed Hosny Mohammed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أحمد حسني محمد إبراهيم
مشرف / زكي طه فايد
مشرف / حسام الدين مصطفى فهيم
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
89 p. :
Computer Science (miscellaneous)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الحاسبات والمعلومات - علوم الحاسب
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 89


Since the Fog computing paradigm is still in its evolving stage, there was a need to standardize the definitions needed throughout the context of this thesis as well as clarifying the foundation of the fog computing. Throughout this thesis, we have covered the main concepts of the Fog computing, the open challenges and opportunities, and the contributions made to utilize the Fog architecture in the modern web services development. This was presented in Chapter 1 titled “Foundation”. Through this chapter, we discussed Cloud, Edge, IoT, and Fog computing paradigms via presenting the different definitions of each computing paradigm and describing the main characteristics and architecture for each. In the same chapter, we presented a comparison between Fog, Cloud, and Edge computing. Then, we outlined the main problem statement that this thesis tries to tackle describing the motivation and objectives.
A review for related work was presented in chapter 2 titled “Fog Computing Review: Frameworks, Software Tools, and Content Delivery Network”. We have discussed contributions proposed in literature in three main domains: Tools and Programming Language, Fog frameworks, Fog computing in CDN. In this chapter, we discussed different programming models and tools proposed by researchers to utilize the Fog computing architecture. Then, we presented contributions in terms of general purpose and specific purpose frameworks built to better make use of the Fog architecture. Then, we discussed contributions that are using the Fog architecture to enhance the content delivery network approach. We concluded that there was still a need for a general-purpose framework for Fog computing that facilitates the development process to better utilize the Fog Architecture.
A Fog-Based CDN Framework that provides an autonomous technique for offloading content to nearby fog nodes and utilizing the fog nodes as CDN nodes was presented in Chapter 3. First, we explained different components that constitute the Fog-Based framework. The main function of each component was presented. The proposed framework workflow and how different component communicate with each other was presented afterwards. Using three different network setups, we presented the optimization achieved in terms of latency against six (6) popular web services. Tools and implementation programming languages used to develop this framework was also discussed in this chapter. Future work and enhancement that can be incorporated into the framework components was suggested at the end of the chapter.
Since Fog computing paradigm is a new for system and software engineers, there was a need for a formal language that provide an easy approach to have a computation that can easily be backed and offloaded to Fog nodes. Thus, chapter 4 presented a Fog Annotation and Meta language abbreviated as FAML that can be used to generate an offloadable version of an already existing service. We have discussed the new language specification and the compilation process needed to produce a version of a service that can be used in Fog nodes. We presented three experimental use cases to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed language. We conducted the evaluation in three different network setups.