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Biosychosocial and Educational Needs of Patients with Burn Injuries \
seliman, Hanaa Seliman Zakeria.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هنــاء سليمـــان زكريــا سليمـــان
مشرف / كاميليــا فـــؤاد عبــدالله
مشرف / دينــا محمـــد معـــروف
مناقش / كاميليــا فـــؤاد عبــدالله
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
238 p. :
التمريض الطبية والجراحية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - الباطني- الجراحي
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Burn injuries are considered worldwide one of the leading causes of injury’ morbidity and mortality. Burn affect patient’s physically, psychologically and socially. Aim: This study aimed to assess biopsychosocial & educational needs of patients with burn injuries Design: A descriptive exploratory study was utilized to conduct the study. Setting: This study was conducted at inpatient burn care unit at Kafr El-Dwwar General Hospital. Sample: A convenience sample of all available adult patients(n=104) from both gender with 2nd and 3rd degree burns, Tools: four tools used to collect data 1: Patients interview questionnaire. II: physical needs assessment sheet. III: Psychological needs assessment sheet &.IV: Social needs assessment sheet. Results: the study results showed that, 37.5% of the studied patients their age ranged between 20-<30, 71.2% of them had unsatisfactory level of knowledge, 68.3 % of the them had high total physical need level, 69.2% of them had high total psychological need level & 72% of them had high total social need level. Also, there was highly significant correlation between the studied patients’ total knowledge level and their physical, psychological and social needs levels at p value <0.01**.Conclusion: Based on findings of the current study, it can be concluded that: Less than three quarters of the studied sample had got total unsatisfactory level of knowledge regarding burn injury and its management which reflecting their high educational need level. Also, more than two thirds of them had high total physical & psychological needs levels and less than three quarters of them had high total social need level. Additionally, there were highly significant correlation between patients’ total physical, psychological and social needs levels. Also, there were highly significant correlation between patients’ knowledge total need level and their physical, psychological and social total needs levels. Recommendation: Based on the results of the current research, Future research study should be done to implement and investigate the effect of the suggested program based on the studied biopsychosocial needs of patients with burn injuries on decreasing the incidence of morbidity & mortality among such group of patients.