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Quality of Life for Women at Reproductive
Age Post Hysterectomy in Rural Area /
Bahnsy, Kariman Ismaiel Mahmoud.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / كريمــان اسماعيــل محمــود بهنســي
مشرف / ناديــــة حامــــد فرحــــات
مناقش / همــت عبد المنعــم السيــد
مناقش / أمينه عبد الرازق محمود
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
260 P. :
المجتمع والرعاية المنزلية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - قسم تمريض صحة الأسرة والمجتمع
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Based on the findings of the current study the following conclusions can be drawn: More than two thirds of women had unsatisfactory knowledge regarding hysterectomy.More than half of women suffer from permenant anxiety, while less than half of them suffer from vaginal dryness, urinary incontinence, and constipation. More than half of women didn’t maintain body weight, didn’t daily expose to sun, and didn’t get enough rest and sleep.There was no significant correlation between quality of life among women post hysterectomy and their knowledge at p value .895 (P>0.05).In conclusion, less than quarter 5.6% of women had average total quality of life post hysterectomy, less than quarter 2.4% of them had good total quality of life post hysterectomy and the majority 92% of them had poor total quality of life post hysterectomy.
Based on results of the present study and research questions the following recommendations are suggested:
1. Provide health educational programs to increase rural women’s awareness about hysterectomy procedure, possible complications, health problems, health needs, healthy life style and follow up to improve their QOL post hysterectomy.
2. Provide health educational programs to increase rural women’s awareness about Pap smear test, hysterectomy prevention and its alternatives as many uterine disorders have more effective solutions nowadays.
3. Provide illustrated booklets contain knowledge about hysterectomy and home care practices should be available in all rural health services.
4. Further researchs should be conducted focusing on studying application of nursing instructional guideline women undergoing to hysterectomy operation.
Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of uterus and its surrounding structure it is the common procedure which aids in the reduction of many gynecological problems (Fortin et al., 2019).
Women who undergo hysterectomy face a multitude of physical, psychological, social, and sexual problems both before and after the surgery. The major factors contributing to these problems are lack of proper information, lack of support and counseling, born out of wrong information. So it is important to appoint qualified community health nurses in order to interact with the hysterectomized women and their families (Shirinkam et al., 2018).
Aim of the study
The aim of this study was to assess quality of life for women at reproductive age post hysterectomy in rural area.
Research design
A descriptive design was utilized in this study.
The study was carried out at outpatient gynacological clinics in two hospitals Kafr Elsheikh University Hospital affiliated to Kafr Elsheikh University,and Kafr Elsheikh General Hospital affiliated to the Ministry of Health and Population.both are located in Kafr Elsheikh Governorate.
Sample type
A Purposive sample was used in this study.
Sample size
It included 125 women who represented 10% of the total cases.
Tools for data collection
Two tools will be used for collecting data
First tool: Structured Interviewing Questionnaire:
It consisted of 5 parts:
• Part 1: It is concerned with socio demographic characteristics of post hysterectomy woman including age, marital status, educational level, occupation, family type, number of family members, number of rooms, monthly income (Q1 –Q9).
• Part 2: It concerned with health history of women including:
 Obstetrical history such as (age of first menarche, regularity of menarches, number of deliveries and abortion, previous pregnancy and delivery complications, age of last pregnancy, number of children.
 Medical history (past, present, medical and surgical).
 Family history (past, present, medical, and surgical) (Q10 –Q29).
• Part 3: It is concerned with assessment of women’s knowledge regarding hysterectomy: hysterectomy causes, types, techniques, predisposing factors complications, prevention, and follow-up (Q30 –Q42).
• Part 4: It is concerned with assessment of women’s health problems post hysterectomy (Q1 –Q13).
• Part 5: It is concerned with assessment of women’s health needs post hysterectomy (Q1 –Q15).
Second Tool: Quality of life scale:
It was adopted from (WHO, 2018), to assess quality of life for women’s post hysterectomy such as physical, psychological, social and sexual domains.
a) Physical domain (Q1 –Q8).
b) Psychological domain (Q1 –Q11).
c) Social domain (Q1 –Q10).
d) Sexual domain (Q1 –Q4).
Pilot study
It was held on 10 % of study subjects 12 women . It aims to determine the clarity, feasibility, applicability of the study tools, and to estimate the time needed to fill the forms.
Field work
The actual field work started in February 2021 and was completed by May 2021 (4 months). 3 days per week (Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays), through the working hours 9 am to 1 pm, the investigator distribute the tool and ask study subjects to fill it out, and then the tools collected and checked.
The main findings of the present study were the following:
5. The present study finding shows that less than half (40.0%) of women were in the age group 30-39 years, with mean age 34.28+7.185, more than three quarters (77.6%) was married. Also, more than half (56.0%) hadn’t enough income and all of them resided in rural area.
6. More than two thirds (71.1%) of women had unsatisfactory knowledge regarding hysterectomy.
7. More than half (54.4%) of women suffer from permenant anxiety, while less than half (42.4% &40.8%&40.8%) respectively of them suffer from vaginal dryness, urinary incontinence, and constipation.
8. More than half (53.6%&56.0%&57.6%) respectively of women need to maintain body weight, need to daily exposure to sun, and need to get enough rest and sleep. While, less than half (41.6%& 46.4%& 44.8%) respectively of them need to drink a lot of fluids daily, need to follow-up, and need to take HRT after operation.
9. More than half (57.6%&60.0%) respectively of women feel pain and discomfort after operation, and illness weakens their appetite to food.while, more than one third (36.8%) of them aren’t able to carry out daily tasks after operation.
10. More than half (63.2%&58.4%&56.0%) respectively of women their mood change after the operation, suffer from permenant anxiety, and not satisfied with their life. while, less than half (43.2%&49.6%) respectively of them feel not valuable, and not able to solve problems and make decisions.
11. More than half (52.0%&57.6%&53.6%) respectively of them feel that disease effects on their relation with others, disease increases their financial burden and illness affects their ability to participate in social activities.
12. More than half (52.0%) of women feel that disease effects on their sexual desire.While, (25.6%) of them are satisfied with their sexual life after operation.
In conclusion, less than quarter (5.6%) of women had average quality of life post hysterectomy, less than quarter (2.4%) of them had good quality of life post hysterectomy and the majority (92%) of them had poor quality of life post hysterectomy.
Rural women had unsatisfactory knowledge regarding hysterectomy. The majority of them (92%) had poor quality of life post hysterectomy.
Provide effective educational programs to increase rural women’s awareness about hysterectomy (procedure, types, causes, possible complication,and prevention), Provide health education regarding life style programs and health needs after operation including healthy diet, maintain body weight, daily exposure to sun, kegel exercises and follow up to improve their QOL post hysterectomy.