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Integration of Magnetic, Gravity and Well Logging Data for Structural Analysis Purposes and Evaluating the Subsurface Radioactive Zones of the North Diyur Area, North Western Desert of Egypt \
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ولاء عربى عبدالله اسماعيل
مشرف / سامي حامد عبدالنبي
مشرف / عبدالله محمود السيد محمود
مشرف / علاء الدين احمد فهمي عارف
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
158 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية العلوم - الجيوفيزياء
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The study area is located at the northern part of the Western Desert. The study area is bounded by latitudes 29 & 30 North and longitudes 28 30’ & 29 30’ East.
Bahariya Formation in Western Desert is a major source hydrocarbon accumulation. It is also characterized by its relatively high radiation content, as it contains iron oxides deposits that attract radioactive elements. The main objectives of our study are to establish depth to basement, basement configuration and related structural elements, thickness and configuration of the overlain sedimentary section. In addition to the analysis of well logging data, many advanced techniques have been applied to analyze both magnetic and gravity data such as depth estimation, 2D magnetic and gravity modeling and 3D inversion of potential field data. By integrating all available data, we could determine the structural control of the study area and evaluate the subsurface parameters. Well logging has been used for interpretation of porous and permeable zones, water saturation calculation and basic lithology identification. The depth to basement in our study is ranging from -2300 m to -4500 m. At the northern parts of the study area, basement is shallow, while the deep depths are in the southern parts. The main clay minerals of Bahariya Formation are montmorillonite, chlorite and mixed clay layer. Bahariya Formation is composed mainly of sandy clay and sandstone. Therefore, Bahariya Formation is considered a very good reservoir.
Airborne magnetic surveys were conducted by Nuclear Materials Authority (NMA), 2001 with a survey grid 1000 x 4000 m and elevation 100 m terrain clearances. The Bouguer gravity which produced by General Petroleum Company (GPC), 1986. Aeromagnetic and gravity measurements are used in form of maps of magnetic and gravity anomalies that are produced from sources with different geometrics, located at various depths. This work is mainly committed to outline subsurface sources. Standard tools for mapping structural characteristics and estimating the depths of magnetic bodies within the study area include 3D Euler deconvolution. (Kumar et al., 2020) emerged as an effective technique for determining the depth and location of anomalous sources from gravity and magnetic data. Analysis of the available potential field data includes spectral analysis, anomaly separation, derivatives, and trend analysis. These results will be further refined with 2D and 3D modeling and generating a three-dimensional basement configuration map. Correlation between the results obtained from various analytic techniques applied and all the available geologic information led to the establishment of the tectonic configuration of the study area. The main goal of well logging analysis in the present study is to analyze the reservoir characterization of the study area for more development and exploration activities. There are 10 well logs are available for this study; subsurface total count gamma-ray (GR) data were recorded in all these wells. It is possible to derive many logs from others without running many well logging tools. Accordingly, it is possible to derive the spectral gamma-ray logs (eU, eTh & K) from the total gamma ray logs.

Spectrometric data play a very important role in reservoir evaluation because it gives a good idea about the rock radiation and rocks lithology. Well Logs - Gamma and Spectral Gamma, Electrical, Sonic, Density, Neutron – Interpretation for Porosity, and Lithology are used for determination of different petrophysical parameters for the subsurface rocks.