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Serum Ferritin and Serum Zinc as Prognostic Factors in Late Onset Neonatal Sepsis \
Hammad, Noha El-Sayed Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / نهى السيد محمد حماد
مشرف / محمد أشرف عبد الواحد
مشرف / محمد عمر عبد العال
مشرف / مروة علي عبد الواحد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
167 p. :
طب الأطفال ، الفترة المحيطة بالولادة وصحة الطفل
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - طب الأطفال وحديثي الولادة
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Neonatal sepsis is a clinical syndrome with hemodynamic changes and other systemic clinical manifestations resulting from the presence of pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, or fungi) during the first month of life. It is an important cause of neonatal mortality. Neonatal sepsis is classified according to the time of onset as early or late. Late onset neonatal sepsis is that which starts after 72 h of life.
To assess the ability of serum ferritin and serum zinc in predicting the outcome in late onset neonatal sepsis in full term neonates.
This was a Prospective cohort study was carried on in the neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), Children’s Hospital, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt for 6 months (from June 2021 to December 2021).
In our study we concluded that serum zinc and serum ferritin levels are associated with the prognosis of neonatal sepsis, where serum zinc levels > 142.9 μg/dL and serum ferritin <497 are signficantly predictive of a severeity and worse prognosis than serum zinc levels ≤ 142.9 μg/dL and serum ferritin >497
The study limitation was referred to small sample size, therefore, we recommend to perform it on a broad scale of population. It is recommended that the diagnostic and prognostic roles of zinc and ferritin in late onset of neonatal sepsis be investigated further.