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Serum Selenium Levels among Ain
Shams University Medical Students
with Family History of Cancer,
A pilot study /
El Banna, Heba Mohamed Essam.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هبه محمد عصام البنا
مشرف / زينب عبد الحفيظ السيد
مناقش / رندا رضا مبروك
مناقش / مها محمد صابر عبد اللطيف
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
131 P. :
الطب (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - قسم التغذية العلاجية
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Selenium deficiency affects up to 1 billion people worldwide. Selenium itself plays a huge role in the human body. Beside it’s most known role as a powerful antioxidant, it has an anticancer role, it was also found to have a role in CVD, DM, Thyroid Function, Immunity, Critical illness, Osteoporosis, Fertility and Bowel Habits and Disorders. Also it’s deficiency and toxicity could cause many other diseases like keshan disease and kashen beck disease in Se deficiency and Selenosis in Se toxicity. Because Se content in food largely depends on the Se concentration in the soil and fodder of the animals, it differs from one region to the other even within the same country.
Se has an anticancer effect, it plays a protective role in some types of cancer such as Gastrointestinal and Prostate cancer and improves the prognosis of others such as Breast cancer. It is also used as an adjuvant therapy in radiation and chemotherapy treatment.
For adolescents, cancer development in their parents is a highly traumatizing event, as it causes intensive stress, anxiety, irritability, depression, somatic problems, lack of concentration, and disordered sleep. Research has demonstrated that adolescents and young adults have higher levels of anxiety and depression than preadolescent children, as older offspring tend to experience greater household and caregiving responsibilities. It was found that both high and low Se levels have been linked with dysregulation of oxidative and inflammatory pathways, that could explain the observed association between Se levels and depression. Also Se could potentially exert antidepressant effects through its modulatory role in various neurotransmitter systems.
This research aimed to to compare serum levels of selenium in medical students who are first degree relatives of cancer subjects to those with no family history of cancer.
Our case control study enrolled 30 with family history of cancer and 26 with no family history of cancer medical students, they were selected as a systematic random sample from the Project was designed to evaluate the nutritional status of the undergraduate medical students enrolled 1225 students, over 3 months named ”The Nutritional Assessment of Medical Students of Ain Shams University” (NAMES-ASU).
After analyzing the data collected from measuring serum Se levels from students’ samples, Se Food Frequency questionnaire and Stress questionnaire, we found that; the Dietary Intake of Se, Stress and Age are significantly associated with serum Se levels. It was also found that BMI, Systolic blood pressure and Diastolic blood pressure had no statistical significance between groups, while Age showed a negative relation with serum Se levels. Given the significant difference in Stress between both groups and the significant association between Stress and Serum Se levels we can conclude that there is a negative correlation between Stress and Serum Selenium Levels.