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Health Awareness of Teenage School Students about Risk of Smoking on Health in Slums /
Anan, Mohamed Elsayed Ahmed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد السيد احمد عنان
مشرف / ماجدة عبدالستار أحمد
مشرف / شيماء فتحى مكى
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
263 p. :
المجتمع والرعاية المنزلية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - تمريض صحة المجتمع
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Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death. School programs designed to prevent tobacco use could become one of the most effective strategies available to reduce tobacco use. The following guidelines summarize school-based strategies most likely to be effective in preventing tobacco use among youth (Panigrahi, et al., 2020). The guidelines recommend that all schools:
a) develop and enforce a school policy on tobacco use,
b) provide instruction about the short- and long-term negative physiologic and social consequences of tobacco use, social influences on tobacco use, peer norms regarding tobacco use, and refusal skills, .
c) provide program-specific training for teachers,
d) involve parents or families in support of school-based programs to prevent tobacco use (Joy, & Sultana, 2019).
Aim of the study:
The current study aimed to assess health awareness of
teenage school students about risk of smoking on health in slums through:
- Assessing factors leading to smoking among teenage students in slums
- Assessing teenagers’ knowledge regarding health hazards of smoking
- Assessing teenagers’ reported practices toward smoking and smoking prevention
- Assessing health hazards of smoking on teenage students’ health
- Assessing teenage students’ attitude toward smoking. Research Question;
- What is the level of health awareness of teenager school students about risk of smoking on health?
- What are the relations between factors leading to smoking and students’ attitude towards smoking?
- What are the relations between teenage students’ knowledge about health hazards of smoking and students’ attitude towards smoking?
- What are the relations between teenage students’ knowledge about health hazards of smoking and their practice toward smoking?
- What are the relations between teenage students’ reported practice of smoking and health hazards affecting them?
Research Design:
A descriptive research design was used to achieve the aim of the current study.
This study was conducted at at the preparatory (namely: Nahdet Masr which serve 952 students) and the secondary (namely: El-Zaher which serve 468 students) schools for male at Sharabya districts affiliated to North Cairo governorate. The study was conducted on a sample of one preparatory and one secondary school from four male preparatory schools and one male secondary school in a slum area in Cairo.
Convenient sample (315 students) was used for this study; include multi stage random sample technique was used. All students of one class was chosen from each grade in each school for males.
Tools of data collection
A self- administered questionnaire format that includes five parts:-
Part (1): Socio demographic characteristics of teenage students such as age, grade, birth order, pocket money, parents’ education, parents job, family income … etc.
Part (2): History of smoking among teenage students, active or passive smoking, factors leading to it and types of smoking and...etc.
Part (3): Knowledge of teenage students about smoking as types, its risks on physical, psychological and social health and their knowledge about complication of smoking and methods of prevention…etc
Part (4): assessment of teenage reported practices toward prevention of smoking and smoking cessation.
Part (5): The Four Dimensions of Smoking Attitudes Scale: It was used to assess teenage students’ attitude toward smoking from (Ted, Armen and Janet (2010)) and modified by the investigator, which include these dimensions: Interpersonal relationships with smokers. Laws and societal restrictions of smoking in public places, Health concerns, and marketing and sale of cigarettes.

Data Collection Procedure
Data was collected upon three months started from 1st of October 2020 to beginning of January 2021. Before beginning to collect data from the study subjects the investigator met with the director of the schools to determine the suitable time to collect the data and confirm the days and times to assess students’ knowledge, students’ practice, and students’ attitude toward smoking. introduced herself to them, explained the aim of the study, and informed them that their information was treated confidential and will be used only for the purpose of the research; additionally, each participant was notified about the right to accept or refuse to participate in the study.
The study was carried out through an assessment students’ knowledge questionnaire sheet toward smoking, the questionnaire sheet took from 10:15 minutes. Assessment students’ performance toward smoking, the observation checklist took from 30:45 minutes. Assessment students’ attitude toward smoking, the attitude took from 30:45 minutes. Data was collected and subjects full filling the questionnaire in the presence of the investigator to ascertain all questions were answered. The time required for each student to fill the questionnaire was estimated to be 15-20 minutes. The investigator checked completed of each filled sheet after the nurse completed it to ensure the absence of any missing data.
The present study revealed the following main results:
• More than half of the studied students had poor knowledge regarding smoking.
• Meanwhile, more than one third had average knowledge.
• More than two thirds had unsatisfactory level regarding smoking cessation.
• Less than two thirds of the studied sample had negative attitude toward smoking cessation compared to more than one third had a positive attitude.
• There was a highly statistically significant relation between students’ knowledge level and their parents demographic characteristics.
• There were highly statistically significant between ranking in relation to brothers, weekly pocket money for the student and students’ total practices.
• There was highly statistically significant relation between student’s total practices and their parents’ demographic characteristics except monthly family income.
• There were highly statistically significant relation between age, educational stage and teenage school students’ total attitude.
• Meanwhile, there was statistically significant relation between ranking between brothers and teenage school students’ total attitude.
• There was highly statistically significant relation between father’s profession and total students’ attitude.
• Although, there was statistically significant relation between father’s education degree, monthly family income and total students’ attitude.
• There was highly statistically significant relation between total practice and total knowledge of the studied students.
The current study concluded that:
There was a highly statistically significant relation between students’ knowledge level and their parents demographic characteristics. There was highly statistically significant relation between student’s total practices and their parents’ demographic characteristics except monthly family income. There was highly statistically significant relation between father’s profession and total students’ attitude. There was highly statistically significant relation between total practice and total knowledge of the studied students.
In the light of results of this study, the following recommendations were suggested:
 Periodic assessment for teenage school students about risk of smoking on health in slums
 Providing health awareness of teenage school students about risk of smoking on health in slums
 Enhance healthy behaviors and information of teenage school students about risk of smoking
 Providing teachers with suitable training about how deal ideal with teenage school students that risk of smoking
 Develop and enforce a school policy on tobacco use.
 Providing instruction about the short- and long-term negative physiologic and social consequences of tobacco use, social influences on tobacco use, peer norms regarding tobacco use, and refusal skills.