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The Effect of Platform Switching On The
Supporting Structures Of Implant - Retained
Mandibular Overdenture /
Abd Al Rahman, Rana Mohammad.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / رنا محمد عبد الرحمن
مشرف / إنـجى أمين طلعت
مشرف / رامي ماهر غالي
مشرف / اعتماد ركابي طه
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
166 P. :
Dentistry (miscellaneous)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية طب الأسنان - قسم الأستعاضة الصناعية للفموالوجه والفكين
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view


This split mouth design study was conducted to evaluate radiographically the effect of two implant/abutment interface configurations; the non-platform switching (platform matching) and the platform-switching, on the peri-implant bone loss in edentulous patients rehabilitated with two implant retained mandibular overdenture.
Fourteen completely edentulous male patients were precisely selected from the out-patient clinic of Removable Prosthodontics Department, Faculty of Dentistry-Ain Shams University to participate in this study in an attempt to lower human variables and to eliminate any possible factors that could adversely affect the results of this study.
All patients received a platform switching implant on one side, and a non-platform switching implant on the other side (split-mouth technique), with ball and socket attachments. The implants were surgically installed under strict aseptic conditions and delayed loading was done after three months of healing. Standard clinical and laboratory techniques were followed for complete denture construction for all patients.
All patients were scheduled for follow up visits to evaluate peri-implant bone height changes at the mesial, distal, buccal, and lingual surfaces of each implant using linear measurement tool supplied by cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Records were obtained at the time of loading (Baseline), six months and twelve months of follow-up intervals. Mean values of total peri-implant bone loss were collected, tabulated and statistically analyzed.
Statistical data for the current study revealed:
-Statistically significant peri-implant bone loss within the acceptable limit for both studied groups at all follow up intervals.
-The calculated mean values of total peri-implant bone loss revealed statistically significant lower values for group I (Platform switching implants) compared to group II (Non-platform switching implants) during all the recall appointments.