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Some studies on improvement of goat semen freezibility /
Ammar, Khaled Ahmed Zaki Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / خالد احمد زكى محمد عمار
مشرف / سامي معوض زعبل
مشرف / مجدي رمضان بدر
مشرف / عبدالمنعم منتصر محمود
مشرف / وائل السيد بدير
مناقش / عادل عبدالفتاح حسن رامون
مناقش / عبدالرؤف عثمان عبدالرؤف
Semen - Analysis. Semen - Chemistry. Spermatozoa. Freezability of semen. Goats. Theriogenology.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
online resource (135 pages) :
Veterinary (miscellaneous)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الطب البيطرى - قسم التوليد والتناسل والتلقيح الاصطناعي
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 135


The current study aimed to investigate the effect of inclusion of some additives to Tris-based extender with 10% Soya lecithin on freezability of buck semen. Also, the effect of seminal plasma washing on the freezability of buck semen. Semen was collected from fertile bucks by artificial vagina and samples with 70% or more are selected for cryo-preservation. Diluted semen was refrigerated to 5°C for 2 hours, then tested for the forward progressive motility before being automatically filled into 0.25 mL straws and frozen in liquid nitrogen (-196 °C). Frozen-thawed sperms were tested for post-thawing motility, viability index, and acrosome defect percentage. The effect of different treatments on the DNA fragmentation index of cryopreserved goat sperm was investigated. A.I. was carried out by frozen buck semen to determine the effect of various treatments on the conception rate. The results were as follow; Centrifugation significantly improved the quality of buck semen. Tris-based extender with 10% Soya lecithin can be successfully used as a freezing extender for goat semen cryo-preservation. Supplementation of freezing extender with classical anti-oxidants (Glutathione) or natural anti-oxidants (Algae extract e.g. Chlorella, Amphora) exerted valuable effects on the quality of goat semen, diminished DNA fragmentation and acrosome defects of cryo-preserved spermatozoa. When treatments are compared, Olic-linolenic (3mg/ml) significantly improved the viability index. All treatments which used in A.I. improved significantly the conception rates.