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اقتصاديات الخدمات الأمنية وأثر ذلك على الموازنة العامة فى مصر دراسة اقتصادية على قطاع السجون المصرية مقارنة بالدول المتقدمة والنامية /
عبده، محمود عبد الجواد عبد العزيز.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمود عبد الجواد عبد العزيز عبده
مشرف / عصام حسنـــي محمــــــد
مشرف / أحمد مصطـفى معبــــــــــد
مناقش / إبراهيم عبد العزيز النجار
مناقش / هشام مصــــــطفى الجمل
الاقتصاد المالى.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
240 ص. ؛
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الحقوق - الاقتصاد والمالية العامة
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 245

from 245


Studying the economics of the security services shows the volume of spending’s on this security sector and what it causes of the budget deficit specially with the decrease of source that the security sectors brings and the increase of spending’s, as the private sector has become a basic pillar of the free market and a vital factor of continuing the economic system reflecting the benefits for all side of punitive institution even if the practical fact in Egypt was different from the privatization of the punitive institution, Met, It is a necessity to a waken the spirit of the participation of the private sector among institution and individuals for providing an incentive milieu for the economic activity.
No doubt that the idea of the participation of the private sector in the punitive institution can’t go right unless we reveal the volume of spending on the security institution and definitely the punitive institution whether according to the Egyptian legislation or the comparative ones, and so, we can confirm the legal from of the participation of the private sector in the punitive institution without violating the freedom of practicing the economic activity or violating the punitive vole related to the state to achieve it perfect with what the A.R.E witness in the recent decades of the serious attempts for basic changes in the punitive and economic institution, and effecting the role of the private sector in development and changing from the direct economic into the free market economy, It was necessary for the Egyptian government to adopt the idea of privatization, the matter which was supported by men of thought in Egypt, More over the project since 1991, but the walk of privatization hasn’t met reached to the security services and definitely the prison sector because of the fears of the punitive institution responsible to violate the principle of punity, however, the legislative regulation are able to deter the deviation which may hinder punity alleviate the burden of prison spending’s from the state budget.
The subject matter of the study concentrate on finding out the identity of security service in the light of the economic ideologies whether from the Egyptian legislation or the comparative ones, definitely the M.S.A one, and also the Identity of the privatization as one of the mechanisms of the freedom of economy and its reason in the security scope, then any measurements that can be taken by the state in its plan for privatization the punitive institution, and finally clarifying the futility of the privatization of the punitive institution whether punitively or economically with setting regulation for it.