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Study of Procalcitonin Level in Obese Prevalent Hemodialysis Patients and Its Relation to Hemodialysis Adequacy \
El-Wakeel, Mahmoud Talaat Mahmoud.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمود طلعت محمود الوكيل
مشرف / سعيد عبد الوهاب سعيد
مشرف / خالد جوده عبد الوهاب
مشرف / أحمد يحيي محمد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
116 p. :
الطب الباطني
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - أمراض الباطنة
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Procalcitonin (PCT) is an innovative and highly specific marker for the diagnosis of clinically relevant bacterial infections and sepsis. It is a marker of inflammatory response stimulated by production of bacterial endotoxins and cytokines (IL-1, IL-6, and TNF).
A significant number of patients who undergo hemodialysis are overweight or obese.
Some studies showed that adipose tissue is capable of expressing and secreting procalcitonin.
Many studies showed that adipose tissue is capable of expressing and secreting procalcitonin. This makes procalcitonin a potential biomarker for obesity-related low-grade inflammation and may correlate with hemodialysis adequacy.
In the current study, we studied 90 subjects; they were divided into three groups:
group A: 40 obese ESRD patients BMI ≥ 30 Kg/m2, and a mean body weight of 100.2±11.14 Kg, undergoing regular hemodialysis (HD) three times weekly; each dialysis session was performed in 4 hours. Blood access was through arterio-venous fistula (AVF). The duration of hemodialysis ranged between 1.0-9.0 years with a mean of 4.30±1.64 years. Their age ranged between 38.0-59.0 years with a mean of 50.90±5.98 years. 26 of them were males and 14 were females.
group B: 40 non obese ESRD patients on regular HD, BMI < 25 Kg/m2, and a mean body weight of 62.39 ± 9.14 Kg. undergoing regular hemodialysis (HD) three times weekly; each dialysis session was performed in 4 hours. Blood access was through arterio-venous fistula (AVF). The duration of hemodialysis ranged between 1.0-8.0 years, with a mean of 4.53±1.54 years. Their age ranged between 32.0-59.0 years with a mean of 50.0±7.48 years. 25 of them were males and 15 were females.
group C: control group 10 healthy individuals, BMI < 25 Kg/m2, with a mean age of 36.50±9.41 years and a mean body weight of 61.40±10.0 Kg. 6 of them were males and 4 were females.
Our results showed that:
 Plasma procalcitonin increases within the normal range in hemodialysis patients with obesity and not dependent on the body mass index.
 There was no significant correlation between PCT and hemodialysis adequacy.
 There was no significant correlation between PCT and body weight.
 There was no significant correlation between PCT and duration of HD.
 There was no significant correlation between PCT and age.
 We found no statistically significant difference between PCT and sex.
 There was no significant correlation between PCT and waist circumference.
 Concerning systolic and diastolic blood pressure, our study showed no significant correlation between them and PCT.
 We found no statistical significant difference between PCT and CRP.
 No significant correlation was found between PCT and WBCs count, RBCs count and hemoglobin