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Nutritional Screening of Sick Neonates in NICU and its Relation to Short Term Outcome \
Ali, Doaa Nagy.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / دعاء ناجي علي
مشرف / صفــاء شــفيق امــام
مشرف / نــور الــدين محــمـد
مشرف / ياسمين جمال عبده الجندي
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
134 P. :
طب الأطفال ، الفترة المحيطة بالولادة وصحة الطفل
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - طب الاطفال
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alnutrition during infancy has long-term adverse consequences for both physical and psychological development. Early detection of malnutrition among hospitalized infants is essential to provide optimal nutrition support. So neonatal nutritional assessment is very important and determines the daily energy and nutrient requirements for optimal growth and whether these nutritional goals are met.
For this we carried out this work to assess the validity of Nutrition risk screening tools, and to stratify neonates admitted to the NICU according to their nutritional risk and correlate this to their short term outcome.
So all neonates admitted to NICU Ain shams university hospitals in a set period of 6 months from December 2017 to June 2018 were enrolled in a cross sectional study after written and verbal consent take from parents.
The number of the studied patients in our study was 150, these patients were classified into a three risk groups: low risk group (no = 121), moderate risk (no = 15), High risk (no = 14) according to neonatal nutrition screening tool (NNST).
The mean gestational age of the studied patients was 35.75 ± 2.91 weeks, 50% were pre-term, 50% were full term.
Our study showed that anthropometric measurements increased at discharge than at birth with mean rate of increase in birth weight 3.3 (-7-15).
This study showed that almost 70% of our unit initiate PN (Parenteral nutrition) on day 1 of life with mean intravenous fluid 68.64 ± 10 cc/kg/day and mean amino acids intake 2.32 ± 0.48 gm/kg/day with mean total caloric intake 50.39 ± 15.4 kcal/kg/day. Full PN was reached by a median of day 7, At least one-quarter of the units achieved full-strength PN after only 7 days with mean intravenous fluid 141.62 ± 15.75 cc/kg/day, mean amino acids intake 1.78 ± 0.48 gm/kg/day and mean total caloric intake 111.54 ± 24.87 kcal/kg/day.
Enteral feeding started from day 1 of life in almost 70% of the studied patients with mean 18.35 ± 16.91 cc/kg/day and at least one- quarter of the patients start to reach full intake enteral feeding at day 7 of life with mean 115.73 ± 32.73 cc/kg/day.
Our study showed that short term outcome increased in high and moderate risk group patients than low risk group.
As it showed that:
- Length of hospital stay increase with increase the risk groups of the patients.
- Risk of sepsis increase with increase risk groups and directly proportional with length of hospital stay.
- Hospital discharge mortality also increase with increase risk group of the studied patients.