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إطار مقترح لإدارة الموارد البشرية للتقليل من المخاطر البيئية للتشغيل :
عوض، إيرين حنا عازر.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / إيرين حنا عازر عوض
مشرف / نادر البير فانوس
مشرف / محمود أحمد إبراهيم حويحي
مناقش / هالة إبراهيم عوض الله
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
185 p. :
الأعمال والإدارة والمحاسبة (المتنوعة)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - معهد البيئة - العلوم الاقتصادية والقانونية والإدارية البيئية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 185

from 185


In fact, the experiment proves that the most important reason for occurrence of disasters is continuous negligence of risks because most of people think that nothing will happen in future. Because of absence of danger culture, several unexpected risks and disasters may occur, Chernobyl Reactor is a good example that we all suffer from its effect until now.
Risk management is not a target but a tool for supporting the administration to achieve the organization’s targets. Here, come the significance of environmental operation management of risks to restrict risks of danger by achieving a company strategy and vision through setting a strategy for risk.
Research Problem:
In fact, the basis in any action or an innovation or a new technology is the human being and his welfare and interests. Human beings are the core of focus for any studies or research directly or indirectly. Hence, the researcher in this research examines the impact of effective strategic and functional elements of human resources management represented in (organizational culture – selection – training – performance assessment – incentives – safety and occupational health) on reduction of risks, particularly, the environmental risks of operation ( that occur because of inefficiency or shortness in electronic systems and programs, in addition to shortness in internal or external procedures) by applying a proposed framework for managing human resources.
Research Significance:
1. The importance of the human element not just as one of reasons of environmental risks of operation, but also because of being one of the basic pillars for successful dealing with risks of environmental operation.
2. The significance of the applied field of research (Egyptian Pharmaceutical Company) that can be applied and affecting as a model or an example for other fields.
3. Relative novelty of this concept of “environmental Risks of operation” in general, and in pharmaceutical field in particular.
Comment on Previous Studies:
This study agree with other previous studies in the critical need for more research in field of operational risks management which is relatively new, particularly, in Arab states, except for the banking field and some other industrial and serving activities despite the importance of this field.
This study is difference from other studies that it tackles with environmental risks of operation through examining elements of effectiveness of human resources that includes: organizational culture – selection – training – performance assessment – incentives – safety and occupational health; examining as well the impact of reducing environmental risks of operation for Egyptian Pharmaceutical Company.
Study Objectives:
1. Studying the current approaches used for managing human resources in the studied company and its success level in reducing environmental risks of operation.
2. Exposing what is meant by environmental risks of operation and defining the correct understanding of this concept for employees in different administrative levels.
3. Identify the impact level of each element of efficacy elements of human resources management to reduce environmental risks of operation.
4. Designing a framework for managing human resources for
5. decreasing environmental risks of operation.
Study Hypotheses:
1. There is no significant impact of the organizational culture factor on reducing environmental risks of operation.
2. There is no significant impact of the selection factor on reducing environmental risks of operation.
3. There is no significant impact of the training factor on reducing environmental risks of operation.
4. There is no significant impact of the performance assessment factor on reducing environmental risks of operation.
5. There is no significant impact of the incentives factor on reducing environmental risks of operation.
6. There is no significant impact of the occupational health and safety factor on reducing environmental risks of operation.
Study Limits:
The Spatial Limits: Limited on Al-Fayoum governorate where selecting the research population, some individuals in Egyptian Pharmaceutical Company.
The Time Limits: the time duration during 2018.
Research Method:
1- The Theoretical Method: By reviewing Arabic and foreign scientific references and books, periodicals, articles, reports, researches, and studies, in addition to publications of conferences.
2- The Applied Method: used by the field study to provide necessary data by spotlighting used method in managing human resources in the studied company through using:
a. Personal interview with people in charge.
b. Reviewing work reports.
c. Investigation forms.