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برنامج مقترح للتدخل المهني للخدمة الاجتماعية لتنمية
مهارات التفكير الإبداعي للأطفال الملتحقين بجامعة الطفل /
السيد، ندى الحسيني محمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ندى الحسيني محمد السيد
مشرف / منال حمدي محمد الطيب
مشرف / محمود فتحي محمد
مناقش / رغدة الصاوي
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
198 ص. :
العلوم الاجتماعية (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الفيوم - كلية الخدمة الاجتماعية - مجالات الخدمة الاجتماعية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 198

from 198


الدراسه :
أصبح الطلب اليوم على الأفراد المبدعين و والمخترعين أمرًا له أولويته في الحياة
المعاصرة للمجتمعات من أجل تطوير العمل فيها، وهكذا انتقلت البحوث الي الاهتمام بوجه عام
بالإبداع كمجموعة من القدرات كالطلاقة والمرونة والأصالة والافاضة والحساسية للمشكلات
يمكن تنميتها باستخدام مجموعة من الأساليب والاستراتيجيات سواء من خلال برامج عامة أو
من خلال برامج دراسة مرتبطة بمحتوى دراسي معين إلى الاهتمام بتوظيف هذه المهارات في
حل العديد من المشكلات المتجددة، والتي تتطلب منها حلولًا جديدة وغير تقليدية وهذا ما تحتاجه
في ظل التغيرات السريعة، ومن هنا تكمن أهمية جامعة الطفل كبرنامج يسعى إلى إعداد
الأطفال المصريين من أجل المستقبل باعتبارهم أدوات التغيير القادرين على مواجهة التحديات
المختلفة، وتشكيل العالم من خلال القدرات الإبداعية والابتكارية المطورة.
ثانياً : مفاهيم الدراسة :
1- مهارات التفكير الإبداعي 2-جامعة الطفل
ثالثا: أهداف الدراسه :
1) تنمية مهارات التفكير الإبداعي للأطفال الملتحقين بجامعة الطفل، ويمكن تحقيق ذلك من
خلال الأهداف الفرعية التالية:
ا- تحديد الطلاقة في التفكير للأطفال الملتحقين بجامعة الطفل.
2- تحديد المرونة في التفكير للأطفال الملتحقين بجامعة الطفل.
ج- تحديد الأصالة في التفكير للأطفال الملتحقين بجامعة الطفل.
8- تحديد الإفاضة في التفكير للأطفال الملتحقين بجامعة الطفل.
ه- تحديد الحساسية للمشكلات في التفكير للأطفال الملتحقين بجامعة الطفل.
2) التوصل لبرنامج مقترح للخدمة الاجتماعية لتنمية مهارات التفكير الإبداعي للأطفال
الملتحقين بجامعه الطفل.
رابعًا: تساؤلات الدراسة:
[1] ما المهارات اللازمة لتنمية التفكير الإبداعي للأطفال الملتحقين بجامعة الطفل، ويمكن
تحقيق ذلك من خلال الأهداف الفرعية التالية:
أ- ما مهارة الطلاقة في التفكير للأطفال الملتحقين بجامعة الطفل؟
ب- ‌ما مهارة المرونة في التفكير للأطفال الملتحقين بجامعة الطفل؟
ج- ما مهارة الأصالة في التفكير للأطفال الملتحقين بجامعة الطفل؟
د –‌ما مهارة الإفاضة في التفكير للأطفال الملتحقين بجامعة الطفل؟
ه- ما مهارة الحساسية للمشكلات في التفكير للأطفال الملتحقين بجامعة الطفل.
[2] البرنامج المقترح للخدمة الاجتماعية لتنمية مهارات التفكير الإبداعي للأطفال الملتحقين
بجامعه الطفل.
خامسا: الإطار المنهجي:
1-نوع الدراسة والمنهج المستخدم:
ا-نوع الدراسة: دراسة وصفية
ب-المنهج المستخدم: المسح الاجتماعي بطريقة العينة العمدية الطبقية للأطفال
الملتحقين بجامعة الطفل.
2- أدة الدراسة: "مقياس مهارات التفكير الإبداعي للأطفال الملتحقين بجامعة الطفل "،
3- -مجالات الدراسة :
1- المجال المكانى : جامعة الطفل التابعة لأكاديمية البحث العلمى بالمكتبة
المركزية ،جامعة الفيوم .
ب-المجال البشري: بلغ مجتمع الدراسة 30 مفردة من الأطفال الملتحقون بجامعة
الطفل بجامعة الفيوم
ج- المجال الزمني: 13/6/2019 : 13/6/2021
4- النتائج العامة للدراسة:
ا) مهارة الطلاقة: القوة نسبية بلغت (74.10%)، وهذا يدل على أن مهارة الطلاقة
تمت الموافقة عليها بنسبة كبيرة،
ب) مهارة المرونة: القوة نسبية بلغت (78.95%)، وهذا يدل على أن مهارة المرونة
تم الموافقة عليه بنسبة كبيرة.
ج) مهارة الأصالة: القوة النسبية بلغت (78.97%)، وهذا يدل على أن مهارة الأصالة
تم الموافقة عليه بنسبة كبيرة.
د) مهارة الإفاضة: القوة نسبية بلغت (81.94%)، وهذا يدل على أن مهارة الإفاضة
تمت الموافقة عليه بنسبة كبيرة
هـ) مهارة الحساسية للمشكلات االقوة نسبية بلغت (77.84%)، وهذا يدل على أن مهارة
الحساسية للمشكلات تم الموافقة عليه بنسبة كبيرة
technical methods it includes, and thus it is possible for social service as a
profession with a humanistic mission to play a role in providing children
with social experiences and planning for the development and
improvement of activities for their care, with the aim of satisfying their
basic needs and developing their creative and social skills that enhance
their compatibility and communication with others.
Second: Concepts of the study:
The current study includes a set of basic concepts, which are as follows:
1- Creative thinking skills.
2- Children's University.
Third: Objectives of the study:
This study aimed to achieve the following:
1- Developing creative thinking skills for children enrolled in the
Child University, and this can be achieved through the following
a) Determining fluency in thinking for children enrolled in the Child’s
b) Determining the flexibility of thinking for children enrolled in the
Child University.
c) Determining originality in thinking for children enrolled in the
Child University.
d) Determining the elaboration of children enrolled in the University
of the Child.
e) Determining the sensitivity to problems for children enrolled in the
child's university.
2- Reaching a proposed program for social work to develop creative
thinking skills for children enrolled in the Children's University.
Fourth: Study questions:
This study aimed to answer the following:
1- What are the skills needed to develop creative thinking for children
enrolled in the Child University? This can be achieved through the
following sub-objectives:
a) What is the fluency in thinking skills for children enrolled in the
Child’s University?
b) What is the skill of flexibility in thinking for children enrolled in the
Child University?
c) What is the skill of originality in thinking for children enrolled in the
Child University?
d) What is the skill of elaboration for children enrolled in a child's
e) What is the skill of sensitivity to problems in thinking for children
enrolled in the child's university?
2- What is the proposed program for social work to develop creative
thinking skills for children enrolled in the Children's University?
Fifth: Methodological Procedures:
1- Type of the study and method used:
A) Type of study: The current study belongs to the type of descriptive
studies, which is concerned with answering a set of questions that require
describing and analyzing the responses of children enrolled in the child’s
university, with regard to the following creative thinking skills: fluency -
flexibility - originality - elaboration - problem sensitivity.
b) The method used: the current study is based on the social survey
method, using the stratified intentional sampling method for children
enrolled in the University of the Child.
2- The study tool: a measure of creative thinking skills at the University of
the Child "applied to children enrolled in the University of the Child".
3- Fields of the study:
a) Spatial field: Children’s University affiliated to the Academy of
Scientific Research in the Central Library - Fayoum University.
B) The human field: the study population was 30 children enrolled in the
Child University at Fayoum University, their ages ranged from 9 to 15
C) Time field: It is represented in the time period required for all steps of
preparing the study, from 13/6/2019 to 13/6/2021, which amounted to
two years for the current study
Sixth: General results of the study
Results related to the respondents' responses on the scale of “Creative
Thinking Skills for Children Enrolled in the Child University from the
Perspective of Social Work”
1- For the first dimension: fluency skill: the statistical distribution
confirmed that the respondents’ responses about “fluency skill” are
distributed statistically according to the weighted total of these
responses, which amounted to (1067), a general mean score (35.57),
and a relative strength that reached (74.10%), this statistical distribution
indicates that the fluency skill was approved by a large percentage.
2- As for the second dimension: the skill of flexibility: the statistical
distribution confirmed that the respondents’ responses about the
“flexibility skill”, are distributed statistically according to the weighted
total of these responses, which was estimated at (1208), the general
mean score (40.27), and the strength of relativity of (78.95%), this
statistical distribution indicates that the skill of flexibility has been
approved by a large percentage.
3- As for the third dimension: the skill of originality: the statistical
distribution confirmed that the respondents’ responses about “the skill
of originality”, are distributed statistically according to the total
weighted frequencies of these responses, which reached (995), and a
general mean score of (33.17). , and a relative strength of (78.97%),
this statistical distribution indicates that the skill of originality was
approved by a large percentage.
4- As for the fourth dimension: the skill of elaboration: the statistical
distribution confirmed that the respondents’ responses about “the skill of
elaboration,” are distributed statistically according to the total weighted
frequencies of these responses, which was estimated at (1180), with a
general mean score of (39.33), and a relative strength of (81.94%), this
statistical distribution indicates that the skill of outreach was approved
by a large percentage.
5- As for the fifth dimension: the skill of sensitivity to problems: the
statistical distribution confirmed that the respondents’ responses about
“the skill of sensitivity to problems.” are distributed statistically
according to the total weighted frequencies of these responses, which
The English summary
First: The problem of the study:
Today, the demand for creative, talented and innovative individuals has
become a priority in the contemporary life of societies. This is in order to
develop planning, organization, supervision, follow-up and evaluation,
and in order to achieve the required high returns. Attention to creative
thinking and its development among young people has become a daily
concern in most countries and it occupies a prominent space in their
community development plans at all economic, political and social levels.
Thus, research has moved from a general interest in creativity as a set of
abilities such as fluency, flexibility and originality that can be developed
using a set of methods and strategies, whether through general programs
or through study programs linked to a specific academic content, to an
interest in employing these skills in solving many renewable problems.
Consequently, this requires them to provide new and unconventional
solutions which are needed in light of the rapid changes. Hence, appears
the importance of the Children’s University as a program that seeks to
prepare Egyptian children for the future as tools of change capable of
facing various challenges, and shaping the world through the developed
creative and innovative capabilities.
from the above discussion, it is clear that the child has scientific needs
and aspirations that go beyond the scope of the school, which would
bring about a change in the child’s personality and way of thinking – each
according to the age and school stage he is going through. This can be
achieved by providing him with knowledge, scientific skills and ability to
make decisions about life issues. related to science and technology, and
this is what the Children’s University Program seeks; Fostering a child's
interest in science by emphasizing the importance of scientific research
and developing scientific skills. There is always one moment in
childhood that gives an opportunity to learn about the future.
Social service is one of the humanistic professions that can face the
problems that hinder the social performance of individuals in society. It
has been concerned with providing integrated care for the childhood.