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Biopsychosocial Needs for Patients with Multiple Sclerosis/
Ramadan, Moshira Mahmoud.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / مشيرة محمود رمضان
مشرف / تهانى السنوسى
مشرف / فاطمه مصطفي محروس
مشرف / بسمه محمد خليل
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
227 p. :
التمريض الطبية والجراحية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - التمريض الباطنى-الجراحى
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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune demyelinating and neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system, and the leading cause of non-traumatic neurological disability among young adults. Effective management requires a multifaceted approach to control acute attacks, manage the worsening progressive, and remediate disabling symptoms associated with this illness (Hauser & Cree, 2020).
Multiple sclerosis like other chronic diseases severely affects health and quality of life of the affected patients and causes several physical, psychological and social problems (Yalachkov et al., 2019). It affects patients’ life and causes a wide range of sensory, visual, speech, cognitive, fatigue, genitourinary and chronic pain, which have negative effects on all the different aspects of quality of life of the patients. Moreover, this disease may accompany some psychiatric diseases related to mood, behavior and personality, Also be seen with depression, stress and anxiety due to the course of the disease or the side effects of the treatment (Esparza et al., 2015).
There is no cure for MS, but there are a wide range of treatment options that improve the long-term outcome in patients. The goal in MS therapy is to reduce relapses and improve functionality throughout the life of a patients (Pandit, 2013).
Aim of the Study
This study was aimed to assess biopsychosocial needs for patients with multiple sclerosis. This aim was achieved through assess the physical needs, assess the psychological needs, and assess the social needs for patients with multiple sclerosis.
Research question:
The current study was formulated to answer the following question was developed: What are the biopsychosocial needs for patients with multiple sclerosis?
Subject and method:
Research Design:
A descriptive exploratory research design was utilized to conduct this study.
The present study was conducted at Elsheikh Zayed Al-Nahyan Hospital at multiple sclerosis clinics.
Convenient sample of all available patients (90) who are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis attend for checkup in outpatient clinics at Elsheikh Zayed Al-Nahyan Hospital.
Data Collection Tool:
Tools for data collection:
Data were collected through the following tools:
Tool I: Patients’ Interviewing Questionnaire (Appendix I):
It was developed by the researcher in an Arabic language based on the review of the relevant recent related literatures Coyne et al., (2015); Ibrahim et al., (2016); Bencsik et al., (2017); Koziarska et al., (2018); and Abulaban et al., (2019). This questionnaire included three parts as following:
Part (1): Socio-demographic characteristics of patients under this study: this part was used to assess patient’s (age, gender, marital status, level of education, occupation, types of medical services, income, residence, housing condition, number of family member and number of room in house).
Part (2): Patients’ medical data: this part was used to assess present clinical picture, past history and medical management of the patients with multiple sclerosis, also number of family member affected with multiple sclerosis, other health problem, previous surgery, previous hospitalization and it’s causes, vision problem, difficulty of speaking, swallowing, balance, mobility problems cognitive problems, pain location and intensity, also Numerical Pain Rating Scale was used to assess the level of pain in patients with MS, which a respondent selects a whole number (0-10) as ’’0’’ representing to no pain and ’’10’’ representing to severe pain. It was translated into Arabic language by the researcher. It was adapted from (Galer & Gammaitoni, 2003). Pain scale, is a subjective indicator as it depends on the patients’ opinion in evaluating their feeling of pain.
Part (3): Patients’ knowledge regarding MS: This part was used to assess patient’s level of knowledge regarding definition, causes, diagnosis, complications and treatment of MS. It consisted of 29 items include multiple sclerosis nature (8 items), Causes of multiple sclerosis (5 items), Diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (4 items), multiple sclerosis complications (7 items) and treatment of multiple sclerosis (5 items).
Tool II: Patients’ biopsychosocial needs assessment (Appendix II):
It was written in simple Arabic language to assess physical, psychological and social needs for patients with multiple sclerosis. It included three parts as following:
Part (1): Assess patients’ physical needs: It was composed of 11 items divided into four domains as (moving domain) which include move from one place to another alone and move without using an aid, (Nutrition domain) which include eat, drink and prepare food without assistant, (elimination domain) which include control the process of defecation and urination, lastly (personal care domain) which include shower and wear clothes alone. It was adapted from Barthel Index activity of daily living (Collin et al., 1988).
Part (2): Assess of patients’ psychological needs: it composed of 21 items and three domains of depression, anxiety and stress. Each domain includes 7 items. The depression domain involves statements ( like poor mood, lack of self-confidence, despair, worthlessness of life, disinterest in participation in affairs, not enjoying life, and lack of energy. The anxiety domain involves statements ( evaluates elements such as physiologic excitement, anxiety, and situational fear. The stress domain involves statements ( to assess patient comfort, patient’s reaction to different situations, distress, confusion, and irritability. It was adopted from Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (Lovibond, S.H. &Lovibond, P.F, 1995) without any modification.
Part (3): Assess of patients’ social needs: It was composed of 19 items divided into three domains as self-system which including feeling low self-esteem, feeling there is no motivation or desire to think about the future, interpersonal system & feeling toward others domain as feeling aggressive towards others and feeling in control of others, relation with other domain as unsatisfactory relationships with the family members, no friends and social relationships, it was adapted from social dysfunction rating scale (Linn et al., 1969).