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Disaster Management among El-Monira Hospital Health Providers /
Habib, Ayman Fawzy.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أيمن فوزي حبيب السيد
مشرف / هالة محمد محمد
مشرف / وفاء خليل ابراهيم
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
231 p. :
المجتمع والرعاية المنزلية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - تمريض صحة المجتمع
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he main objective of a hospital emergency/disaster plan is to optimally prepare the staff and institutional resources of the hospital for effective performance in different disaster situations. The hospital disaster plans should address not only the mass casualties which may result from mass casualty incident MCI that has occurred away from the hospital, but should also address the situation where the hospital itself has been affected by a disaster – fire, explosion, flooding or earthquake (Kearns et al., 2014).
Aim of the study:
The aim of this study was to assess Disaster Management among El Monira Hospital Health care providers through the following:
• Assessing Health care providers’ level of knowledge regarding disaster management.
• Assessing Health care providers’ practices regarding disaster management.
Research questions
• What are the levels of knowledge of health care providers regarding disaster management?
• What are the levels of practices of health care providers regarding disaster management?
• Is there a relation between Health care providers’ knowledge and their practices regarding disaster management?
Subjects and Methods
Research design: descriptive design was utilized in this study.
Setting: The study was conducted at El-Monira General Hospital. It is one of the largest public hospitals in Cairo. The ministry of Health and Population, the international committee of the Red Cross chose it to implement disaster management.
Subjects: non proportionate stratified random sample included, 30% of total Health care providers working at El-Monira General Hospital (194 health providers). The study subjects were selected randomly from all units and departments (400 physician, 70 pharmacist, 16 technicians, and 160 staff nurses)
Total number of health providers 30 % of health providers
Physicians 400 120
Pharmacists 70 21
Technicians 16 5
Nurses 160 48
Total 646 194
Inclusion Criteria
o Not less than one year of work experience
Tool of data collection:
Data was collected through the following tool to achieve the aims of this study. The questionnaire sheet was quoted and developed by the investigator in simple Arabic language to be simple to understand for the studied sample. The review of the related literature was divided into three parts:
Part 1: A. Demographic characteristic data of Health care providers includes age, gender, marital status, level of education, department, and years of work or experience (Q 1- 10).
B. Previous hospital disaster occurrence in the El-Monira hospital among hospital Health care providers which included causes of previous hospital disaster, and its effect on health care provider (Q 11- 15).
Part 2: Health care providers’ knowledge assessment regarding disaster management which included definition of disaster, risks (consequences), definition of disaster management, types, phases, steps, responsible person, patient categories and priorities, effect and dangerous of hospital disaster, management of hospital disaster, challenges effect on facing of hospital disaster, and appropriate solution to face hospital disaster (Q 16- 39)
Part 3: Health care providers’ reported practice sheet regarding hospital disaster management which included 41 items: pre-disaster management contained 11 items, during disaster management contained 15 items, and after disaster management contained 15 items (Q 40 - 42) adapted by investigator
Field work:
o To carry out the study, an official letter approval was obtained from the Dean of Faculty of Nursing at Ain Shams University to the manager of El-Monira Hospital then to the Head of each department, asking for permission to collect data and verbal consent was taken from health providers.
o Interview was conducted with the Health care providers to explain the aim of the study. Data collection was done in 2 days per week, by the investigator from 9.00 A.M to 2.00 P. M (6-8 health providers/ week). It was collected after phone calls to determine suitable time.
o Each health provider took 35 – 45 minutes nearly to complete the interview. Data collection started from 1st August to the end of November 2019 and then was based on data collection Health care providers’ level of knowledge and practices.
The study results can be summarized as follows:
1. Regarding Sociodemographic characteristics of the health providers, 59.3% of the studied sample were aged between 20- < 30 years with mean age 30.1 ± 6.77 years regarding their gender, 81.9% of them were female, 76.8% of them had bachelor degree, and 87.1% were married. Concerning job title, 61.9% of the studied sample were physicians, 35.0% of them had experiences in specialty ranged between 5 - < 10 years with mean 9.3 ± 5.0, and 74.7% of them had experience in current place less than 5 years with mean 4.9 ± 3.8 years.
2. Concerning Health care providers’ total knowledge regarding disaster hospital management, 71.1% of the studied sample had satisfactory knowledge regarding disaster hospital and 28.9% of them had unsatisfactory level.
3. Concerning Health provider’s total knowledge regarding disaster hospital management, 75.0%, 70.8%, 71.4% 60.0% of the studied nurses, physicians, pharmacists and technicians had satisfactory knowledge regarding disaster hospital respectively.
4. Concerning Health care providers’ knowledge regarding hospital disaster management, 95.8%, 87.5% of the studied nurses had satisfactory knowledge level regarding definitions and types of hospital disasters respectively, 98.3%, 90.0%, 87.5% of the studied physicians had satisfactory knowledge level regarding definitions, types of hospital disasters and patient categories and priorities respectively, 90.5% of the studied pharmacists had satisfactory knowledge level regarding definitions of hospital disasters and 80.0% of the studied technicians had satisfactory knowledge level regarding challenges that affect facing hospital disaster.
5. Regarding Health care providers’ total reported practices regarding hospital disaster management (pre, during, and after disaster 56.2%, 82.0%, 66.5% of the studied sample had done practice regarding disaster hospital management pre, during and after disaster and 43.8, 18.0%, 33.5% of them had not done practice regarding it respectively.
6. Concerning Health care providers’ total reported practices regarding disaster hospital, 68.0% of the studied sample had satisfactory practice regarding disaster hospital and 32.0% of them had unsatisfactory level.
7. Regarding Health care providers’ total reported practices concerning hospital disaster management, 68.8%, 68.3%, 66.7% 60.0% of the studied nurses, physicians, pharmacists and technicians had done practices regarding disaster hospital respectively.
8. Concerning relation between Health care providers’ knowledge and reported practices with their socio-demographic characteristics, there are statistically significance differences between Health care providers’ knowledge and their age, educational level, job title, their years of experiences in specialty and current place.
9. Regarding relation between Health care providers’ knowledge and their reported practice level, 89.4% of the studied sample had satisfactory knowledge regarding hospital disaster, had done reported practice regarding disaster management with statistically significant differences P value ≤ 0.0001.
Based on the findings of the current study, it can be concluded that: less than three quarters of the health care providers had satisfactory knowledge and done practice regarding hospital disaster management in El-Monira hospital.
According to the findings, it is recommended that:
- Health care providers should provide periodically educational classes regarding hospital disaster management through posters, booklets, and leaflets for healthcare providers.
- A need for written updates of the hospital disaster management plan and for call responsible persons to increase the number of workers, equipment and supplies in the hospital.