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The Impact of Applying customized CRM Model on
SCM Applications:
Elbarkouky, Nada Ahmed Mohsen.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ندا أحمد محسن البرقوقى
مشرف / سيد الخولى
مشرف / بسام الاحمدى
مشرف / بسام الاحمدى
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
129 P. :
الأعمال والإدارة والمحاسبة (المتنوعة)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التجارة - قسم ادارة الانتاج
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Conclusion of Users insights relevant from data collection, can be translated as follows;
Standard Model Express Model
Data Entry Too many unneeded screens Covers the needs of the end-users as well as management requirements
Interface Too complicated Too easy to navigate
Follow up Unavailability of monitoring the sales team, since there is no relevant data entry and consequently reports were vague. Management has continuous vision of the sales team activities, through the system screens and via reporting
Return on Investment (ROI) Low High
Reverse Logistics Doesn’t cover reverse logistics operations Covers all reverse logistics cycle

5.6 Research Contribution
Academic Contribution
This research has contributed to the areas that was having lacks in the literature, by covering further issues accompanied with CRM in the context of Logistics sector companies specifically. Moreover, involvement of reverse logistics operations and capturing the cost of loalgistics which was missing as indicated in the literature chapter.
Impact on Industry
The research applied a case-study in an organization working in the field of Logistics, which will help prove the model effectiveness, and the model can be further generalized in other logistics companies.
5.7 Recommendations & Future Work
This research can fit in the context of other logistics enterprises rather than the tested organization, it can best match companies suffering from CRM sophisticated structure, and moreover, contributes to better and faster customer satisfaction as well as lower logistics costs.
This research supported companies working in the field of TEU’s (twenty equivalent units) containers, further research can extend the research/model to be conducted on Multi-purpose terminals, liquid-bulk terminals, and solid-bulk terminals.
Conclusion of Users insights relevant from data collection, can be translated as follows;
Standard Model Express Model
Data Entry Too many unneeded screens Covers the needs of the end-users as well as management requirements
Interface Too complicated Too easy to navigate
Follow up Unavailability of monitoring the sales team, since there is no relevant data entry and consequently reports were vague. Management has continuous vision of the sales team activities, through the system screens and via reporting
Return on Investment (ROI) Low High
Reverse Logistics Doesn’t cover reverse logistics operations Covers all reverse logistics cycle

5.6 Research Contribution
Academic Contribution
This research has contributed to the areas that was having lacks in the literature, by covering further issues accompanied with CRM in the context of Logistics sector companies specifically. Moreover, involvement of reverse logistics operations and capturing the cost of loalgistics which was missing as indicated in the literature chapter.
Impact on Industry
The research applied a case-study in an organization working in the field of Logistics, which will help prove the model effectiveness, and the model can be further generalized in other logistics companies.
5.7 Recommendations & Future Work
This research can fit in the context of other logistics enterprises rather than the tested organization, it can best match companies suffering from CRM sophisticated structure, and moreover, contributes to better and faster customer satisfaction as well as lower logistics costs.
This research supported companies working in the field of TEU’s (twenty equivalent units) containers, further research can extend the research/model to be conducted on Multi-purpose terminals, liquid-bulk terminals, and solid-bulk terminals.