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90 P. :
الزراعية والعلوم البيولوجية (المتنوعة)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - قسم معهد الدراسات العليا والبحوث للزراعة فى المناطق القاحلة
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6.1. Summary of Results:
- For chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflora Ramat.) cv. Zembla:
 The highest plant height, leaf number/plant, stem diameter/plant happened when plants were initially cultured in a substrate-culture medium composed of palm fiber + peat moss. Whereas, the lowest values of the abovementioned parameter were obtained from fine sawdust and coarse sawdust substrate-culture media.
 The heaviest shoots fresh and dry weights/plant were obtained when plants were at the start cultured in palm fiber + peat moss substrate-culture medium. Whereas, the lightest shoots fresh and dry weights/plant were obtained when plants were cultured in fine sawdust substrate-culture medium.
 The heaviest roots fresh and dry weights/plant were obtained when plants were originally cultured in palm fiber + peat moss substrate-culture medium. Whilest, the lightest roots fresh and dry weights/plant were obtained when plants were cultured in either fine sawdust or coarse sawdust substrate-culture media.
 The highest N, P and K % inside shoots and roots were found when plants were primarily grown in palm fiber + peat moss substrate-culture and water hyacinth + peat moss medium. On the other hand, the lowest values were obtained from fine sawdust and coarse sawdust substrate-culture media.
The largest flower diameter/main stem branch was obtained when plants were cultured to start with in a substrate-culture medium composed of either palm fiber + peat moss or water hyacinth + peat moss. Opposidly, the lowest flower diameter/main stem branch was obtained from fine sawdust substrate-culture medium.
 The earliest buds to emerge were obtained when plants were cultured at the beginning in water hyacinth + peat moss substrate-culture medium. In contrast, the latest buds to emerge were obtained when plants were cultured in coarse sawdust substrate-culture medium.
 The earliest appearance of color in the flowering-buds were obtained when plants were cultured in either palm fiber + peat moss or water hyacinth + peat moss substrate-culture medium. On the contrary, the latest appearance of color in the flowering-buds were obtained when plants where cultured in either fine sawdust or coarse sawdust substrate-culture medium.
 Number of days from bud emergence to flower harvest increased when plants were at the start cultured in either water hyacinth+ peat moss or palm fiber + peat moss substrate-culture medium. Conversely, number of days decreased when plants were cultured in both fine sawdust and coarse sawdust substrate-culture media.
 Also, plants cultured in palm fiber + peat moss substrates gave the highest values of leaf-chlorophyll color. Whilest, the lowest leaf-chlorophyll color was obtained from fine sawdust substrate cultured ones.
 The longest postharvest life (vase life) of cut-flowers was obtained when plants were at the outset cultured in either palm fiber + peat moss or water hyacinth + peat moss substrate-culture medium. In the opposite way, the shortest postharvest life (vase life) of cut-flowers was obtained when plants were cultured in fine sawdust substrate-culture medium.
- For carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus) cv. Baccarat Pink:
 The highest plant height, leaf number/plant and stem diameter/plant happened when plants were initially cultured in either water hyacinth + peat moss or palm fiber + peat moss substrate-culture medium. Meanwhile, the lowest values were obtained when plants were cultured in either coarse sawdust or fine sawdust substrate-culture medium.
 The heaviest shoots fresh and dry weights/plant were obtained when plants were at the start cultured in palm fiber + peat moss substrate-culture medium. Whereas, the lightest shoots′ fresh and dry weights/plant were obtained when plants were cultured in either fine sawdust or coarse sawdust substrate-culture medium.
 The heaviest roots fresh and dry weights/plant were obtained when plants were originally cultured in a palm fiber + peat moss substrate-culture medium. Whilest, the lightest roots′ fresh and dry weights/plant were obtained when plants were cultured in either fine sawdust or coarse sawdust substrate-culture medium.
 The highest values of leaf-chlorophyll color were obtained when plants were in the beginning cultured in either water hyacinth + peat moss or palm fiber + peat moss substrate-culture medium. Conversely, the lowest leaf-chlorophyll color were obtained from either fine sawdust or coarse sawdust culture substrate-culture medium.
 The highest N, P and K % inside shoots and roots were found when plants were primarily grown in palm fiber + peat moss substrate-culture medium. Contrariwise, the lowest values of them were obtained when plants were cultured in both fine sawdust and coarse sawdust substrate-culture medium.
 The largest flower diameter/main-stem branch was obtained when plants were initially cultured in water hyacinth + peat moss substrate-culture medium. On the opposite side, the smallest flower diameter/main-stem branch was obtained when plants were cultured in a coarse sawdust substrate-culture medium.
 The earliest buds to emerge were recognized when plants were grown in the first place in water hyacinth + peat moss substrate-culture medium. On the other hand, the latest buds to emerge were seen when plants were raised from either fine sawdust substrate-culture medium.
 The earliest appearance of color in the flowering-buds were spotted when plants were grown at the outset in palm fiber + peat moss or water hyacinth + peat moss substrate-culture medium. In contrast, the latest appearance of color in the flowering-buds were detected when plants were brought up from fine sawdust substrate-culture medium.
 Number of days from bud emergence to flower harvest increased when plants were cultured originally in a palm fiber + peat moss substrate-culture medium. At odds, the number of days decreased when plants were cultured in coarse sawdust substrate-culture medium.
 The largest number of flowers/plant were found when plants were cultured to begin with in either palm fiber + peat moss or water hyacinth + peat moss substrate-culture medium. At variance, the lowest number of flowers/plant were obtained when plants were cultured in both fine sawdust and coarse sawdust substrate-culture media.
 The longest postharvest life (vase life) of cut-flowers was obtained when plants were in the beginning cultured in either palm fiber + peat moss or water hyacinth + peat moss substrate-culture medium. Whereas, plants grown in fine sawdust substrate led to the shortest postharvest life (vase life) of cut- flowers.
6.2. Conclusions
• A mixture of either palm fiber + peat moss or water hyacinth+ peat moss each as a substrate-culture medium could be favored for cultivation of chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflora) cv. Zembla to obtain better quality parameter, like plant height, leaf number/plant, stem diameter/plant, leaf-chlorophyll color, flower diameter and for longer vase life of resultant cut-flowers.
• Similarly, a mixture of either water hyacinth + peat moss or palm fiber + peat moss each as a substrate-culture medium could be preferred for growing carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus) cv. Baccarat Pink to obtain better quality parameters, like plant height, leaf number/plant, stem diameter/plant, leaf-chlorophyll color, flower diameter, number of flowers/plant and for longer vase life of resultant cut-flowers.
• Luckily, each of the chosen substrate-culture components that gave desirable positive results, (viz. palm fiber and water hyacinth) are available locally in Egypt in abundance. When they substituted partially the rather expensive imported peat moss by 50%, this eventually lead to definitely reduce the price of production of both chrysanthemum and carnation as these are two commercially important flower crops for both local consumption and export purposes.