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Comparing the Effect of Low Level Laser Therapy versus Therapeutic Ultrasound after Colles’ Fracture :
Ahmed, Ola Ahmed Kamal.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / علا احمد كمال
مشرف / اسامه فكري احمد
مشرف / عوني فؤاد رحمي
مشرف / حسن حمدي نعمان
Carpal bones. Fractures in old age. Lasers in medicine.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
vii, 107 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة القاهرة - المعهد القومى لعلوم الليزر - المعهد القومي لعلوم الليزر - تطبيقات الليزر الطبية
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Introduction: The radius is the most frequently broken bone in the upper limb especially it’s the distal part which is called Colles’ fracture and can lead to serious complications. Aim: This study intended to examine the effect of Low level laser therapy in comparison with therapeutic ultrasound after Colles’ fracture fixation. Method: 40 patients with Colles’ fracture were in this study. The study was conducted from January 2019 to April 2020 at the outpatient clinic at Sohag General Hospital. Their ages were from 18-45yrs. They were allocated randomly into 2 equal groups; (A and B); group A (fifteen females and five males) received Low level laser therapy, group B (fifteen females and five males) (n=20) received a therapeutic ultrasound. Treatment was triweekly for six weeks. All participants in both groups were assessed by measuring pain, functional level, grip strength, and range of motion of the wrist joint. Results: The results of this study revealed that there was a statistically significant improvement in the post-testing mean values of all measured variables in both groups. Moreover, there is an improvement of pain and function in favor of group (A) than group (B). There was a clinical improvement in grip strength in favor of (A) due to relieve pain and all wrist ROM in a group (B) due to relieve pain but both results were non-statistically significant. Conclusion: Both LLLT and US after distal radius fractures fixation could improve pain, wrist function, grip strength, and ROM of the same level of enhancement, Moreover, patients may get additional benefits in improving their wrist pain and function through LLLT than the US.