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Health Needs among Preschool Children in Rural Areas /
Ramadan, Rasha Shehata Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / رشا شحاته محمد رمضان
مشرف / أميمة محمد
مشرف / وفـــاء خليــل إبراهيم
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
204 p. :
المجتمع والرعاية المنزلية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - تمريض صحة المجتمع
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Preschool child needs could be classified into Physical needs such as Proper nutrition, hygiene, exercises and sleep. Social needs as Stable Living Environment. Safety measure needs such as Structured Discipline and Guidance. - Psychological needs such as love and security, Cognitive and intellectual needs such as learning language. Religious information, Sex information and Educational needs (Shoshani and Slone, 2017).
Many common problems facing preschool-aged such as –Gastrointestinal, Respiratory, Social, Behavioral, -Cognitive and Psychological or Emotional health problems (Heron et al., 2018).
Aim of the Study
This study was carried out to assess health needs and problems among preschool children in rural areas.
Research questions
1-Is there relation between socio-demographic characteristics and mother’s knowledge regarding health needs & problems among their preschool children?
2-Is there a relation between mother’s knowledge and their practice toward health needs & problems for their preschool children
3-Is there a relation between mother’s practice and health needs & problems for their preschool children?
4-Is there a relation between health needs & health problems for preschool children?
Research design:
A descriptive analytical study design was used in this study.
The study was conducted at the governmental Nursery school at Tanta Basyoun center Gharbiya Government, Egypt. This center was the most center which had more number of preschool children and most of mothers at this center didn’t know to read or write and were need more services. This center had about 38 Governmental Nursery School which has 4870 children as total number.
Three governmental Nursery Schools within Basyoun center were selected randomly whose name are, (Kafr Elasker nursery school which have (76 children), Elsawra nursery school which have (258 children) and Altahreer nursery school which have (125 children) the total number of children at the three nursery school was 459 children.
A multi stage sampling was used in this study to select the study participants.
Stage I: involved selection of three governmental nursery school from a list 38 governmental nursery school within Basyoun center namely (Kafr Elasker, Elsawra and Altahreer nursery school) because this is the most famous or public for mothers.
Stage II: involved selection children and their mother’s from each selected governmental nursery school by simple random sampling method which was used to select the children and their mothers that were involved in the study.
Stage III: purposive sampling procedure was used to obtain the sample size according to the following inclusion criteria:-
- The age of children 3:5 years old.
- Free from any genetic disease or disabilities
- The final sample size is (200) participants
Tools of data collection
Data collected through the following tools to achieve the aims of this study:
The first Tool: structured Interviewing Questionnaire; it was developed by the investigator in simple Arabic language to be simple for understanding of the studied sample and after reviewing the related literature, it was divided in to four parts:
First part: to assess demographic status and consisted of 13 Questions such as age, gender, Childs birth order, age of mother, level of education, occupation, marital status, family size, place of residence and family income.(Appendix I Q=13)
Second part: scoring of guiding index
It was concerned with current health status for preschool child, which include gastrointestinal problems (4 items), respiratory problems (4 items), social problems (4 items), Behavioral problems (4 items), intellectual problems (4 items) and psychological problems (13 item), (Appendix I) (Churchill, 2015).
Third part: It was concerned with knowledge of mothers regarding preschool factors which affect growth, development health needs and problems of preschool child which consisted of 27 items. (Appendix I)
Fourth part: Assess mother’s reporting practice regarding achievement of health needs toward their preschool children which include: physical needs (24 items), psychological needs (9 items), social needs (9 items), cognitive needs (9 items) and security &safety needs (16 items).
The second tool: Anthropometric Measurements: Body mass index (Johnson and Fisher, 2018)
Very thin (Malnutrition) Less than 16.5Kg/m2
Thin (less than normal) from 16.5-less than18.5 Kg/m2
Normal weight 18.5-24.99 Kg/m2
Simple increase 25-29.9 Kg/m2
Over weight 30-40 Kg/m2
Dangerous obesity More than 40 Kg/m2
Normal growth and development for preschool child according to anthropometric measurements:-
Body mass index = weight Kg / (height) 2
Normal weight (11-20) Kg.
Normal height (50-120) cm.
Normal head circumference (45-55) cm.
Normal chest circumference (50-59) cm.
Normal vital signs:-
Temperature (36-37.5c)
Pulse rate (80-100bm)
Respiratory rate (17-22 cm)
Third tool: observational checklist to assess Development of preschool child and growth through assess physical, social, emotional, cognitive, language and seek advice (Johnson and Fisher, 2018). (Appendix I)
Ethical consideration:
The research approval was obtained from the faculty ethical committee before starting the study. Before conducting the study; a clear and simple explanation was given to mothers who participate in the study according to their level of education. They secured that all the gathered data was confidential and used for research purpose only, the children mother’s informed that they are allowed to choose to participate or not in the study and they have the right to withdraw from the study at any time.
The main study findings can be summarized as follows:
The mean age of the studied children was 4.2±0.81, more than half of them were males. 61.2% of mothers were had satisfactory in total knowledge. 41.0% of children were had problems in digestive system and 44% were had cognitive problems. 23.0% of them were had respiratory tract problems and23.0% were had behavioral problems, 60% of them were had social problems. 59.3% of mother’s reported practice was always in physical health needs,59.1% in psychological, 60.8% in social, and 56.0% in cognitive and68.7% in security needs and 96, 5% of studied children were had normal total growth and development.
On light of the current study results, it can be concluded that, more than half of mothers were had satisfactory total knowledge toward preschool stage. Moreover, there was positive correlation between total knowledge and total reported practice of mothers toward their preschool children health needs. On the other hand there was negative statistically significant correlation between total practices and total health problems. There was a highly statistically significant relation between Total Knowledge with Age of mother, Mother education level, mother’s job and Residence, statistically significant relation between Total health problems with Age of mother, Mother education level, family income, mother’s job and Residence.
There was positive statistical significant correlation between total health problems and needs of preschool children.
The following recommendations were inferred from the study:
- Counseling programs for mothers to improve their knowledge and practice toward achievement of health needs for their preschool children
- Provide proper health education for mothers to improve their practices toward resolving any problem may face their preschool children.
- Particular effort should therefore be made to ensure this knowledge is rightly acquired. Other means of knowledge acquisition for mothers who do not have a formal education or cannot complete education above primary school should be employed. More importantly, programs should identify which child care practices should be encouraged to enhance maternal and child nutrition and health; promoting such could mitigate the negative association of mother’s lack of education with children’s health. Finally, adult education through behavioral change communications would be an effective means for reaching out to poor and less educated Nigerian women.
- Follow up frequently to early detection of health problems and unachieved health needs of preschool children in all nursery school all over the government.