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Educational Program for Mothers Regarding their Children Suffering from Lymphoma /
Ameen, Samah Mohammed Abd Almonem.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / سماح محمد عبد المنعم أمين
مشرف / نـــوال محمـــود سليمــان
مشرف / سهير عبد الحليـم مخيمر
مشرف / هالة محمد محمد حسين
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
232 p. :
المجتمع والرعاية المنزلية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - تمريض صحة مجتمع
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Lymphoma is results from maliganant proliferation of cells of lymphatic system. Malignant lymphomas are neoplasm of lymphoid cells, acomponent of immune system. Lymphoma represents 20% of childhood cancer inchildren younger than 20 years.Lymphomas can beign almost any where. The lymphatic system involves lymphatic channels that connect thousand of lymph nodes. Lymphatic tissues include the spleen, tonsils, thymus gland, and bone marrow (Yarbro and Frogge, 2018).
The diagnosis of lymphoma disease in children and adolescence is alife – altering event for them as well as their families. The Mothers have children diagnosed with lymphoma are low of knowledge and practice, so use health education is one of the approaches most frequently to help mothers and their children gain confidence in their ability to find soluation to the problems, complications and improve practice(Mouneer, 2013).
Lymphoma is the most dangerous disease affecting on the children. It is the most frequently occurring type of cancer children. The exact cause of lymphoma is unkown; however it could be due to genetic factor, exposure to radiation, and chemicals, health problems and health needs of the children with lymphoma, so should be assist the mothers have children with lymphoma to manage their health problems to reduce morbidity and improve functional status (Zahid ,etal., 2016).
Aim of the Study:
This study aimed to evaluate educational program for mothers regarding children suffering from lymphoma.
A quasi - experimental design study will be used.
The study will be conducted at the oncology unit (day care unit) in Nasser Institute Hospital.
A purposive sample will be used, total of children’s with lymphoma registered in the year 2013- 2015 (1060) child. Average in year (530) the researcher will be taking 10% of those children with lymphoma with the following criteria of children with age 6-18 years, children not more than 2 years of disease.