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هيئة الاعداد
باحث / مـغـفرة عبد المنعم عبد الفتاح أحمد
مشرف / ممدوح حلمى القليوبى
مشرف / محمد مجدى مصطفى
مشرف / إيهاب صلاح عبد الحميد عشوش
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
133 p. :
علوم وتكنولوجيا الأغذية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - علوم وتكنولوجيا الأغذية
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The objective of the present study was to shed light on the development of some traditional foods. Therefore, the aim was to produce a new, modern product of traditional products with high nutritional and sensory qualities that combines traditional health food with modern methods in industry by evaluating and developing some traditional Egyptian foods such as kishk and local noodles in order to make these products more palatable and acceptable to consumers and to provide for all age groups and provide a picture that meets the desires of the consumer as well as to enjoy the qualities and characteristics of sensory and chemical specific and consistent. Kishk samples were produced using dairy products from different sources such as camel milk, soy milk, and cheese whey, by integrating wheat grains with different rations (25, 50 ,75 and 100%) of these sources. A new product was also produced to evaluate the products in terms of chemical composition, sensory properties, antioxidant activity, estimation of mineral elements, and some physical and microbiological properties.
The obtained results could be summarized as follows:
5.1. Proximate composition of kishk prepared from different sources
The data for kishk samples prepared using fermented camel milk at different levels as compared with control sample. The obtained results indicated that moisture content was higher than the control ranged from 9.28 to 18.33 %. The moisture content increased with increasing the replaced levels of fermented camel milk. Same trend was observed for fat, protein and crude fiber which these values were 5.44- 6.09, 11.65 -14.79 and 1.78 - 2.15 %, respectively.
On the other hand, the results for kishk sample prepared from whey cheese had higher content being 8.39-12.68% as compared with the control one (7.58%). The values for protein, ash and crude fiber were 12.60 - 14.74, 5.08 - 9.61 and 1.95 - 2.24% as compared with the control.
As for kishk samples which prepared from fermented soy milk showed that the moisture content was observed in higher content compared with control sample.The data give slight increase in crude fiber content being 2.23 - 1.86% in descending trend as compared with the control (1.45%). The ash content showed a slight decline, the highest values were observed for kishk samples prepared using 50 and 75 % of fermented soy milk as a replacer.
The results indicated that the moisture values of kishk chips samples changed in a wide range. The ash content of kishk chips made from fermented soy milk was higher than those prepared using camel milk (3.05 - 3.75 %) or cheese whey (3.41 - 3.54 %). As for protein content, it could be observed higher levels in all samples as compared with the control; however, the highest content was found for kishk chips prepared from camel milk (18.35 - 18.68%) then soy milk ( 14.81 - 15.15%) .It can be concluded that the reason for the variation of protein contents is the type of fermented milk and cheese whey used in kishk making.
5.2. Minerals content of kishk prepared from different sources
The obtained results of minerals content for the prepared kishk samples from different milk sources (camel, whey and soy) revealed that the highest amount of iron (60.22 - 145.72 ppm) were given by kishk prepared from camel milk followed by fermented cheese whey (46.31 - 64.86 ppm) and fermented soy milk (47.01 - 56.35 ppm) . The same trend was appeared for phosphorus whereas kishk samples prepared using fermented camel milk ranged between 10.38 and 35.46 ppm, and between 6.95 and 14.45 ppm in the kishk made from cheese whey then that prepared using fermented soy milk being (4.95 - 10.29 ppm). Zinc content was higher in camel and soy kishk than cheese whey kishk.
As for magnesium and calcium, it could be observed that soy kishk contained the highest levels of these elements than kishk samples made using camel milk and cheese whey. The concentration of magnesium ranged between 59.92 and 67.21 ppm, 9.40 and 28.14 ppm, 16.39 - 24.12 ppm, respectively. However, calcium content was observed at levels from 17.20 to 23.60 ppm, 18.64 - 26.99 ppm and 3.19 - 20.65 ppm for soy, cheese whey and camel milk kishk, respectively.
5.3. Physico-chemical characteristics of kishk prepared from different sources
The pH and acidity values of kishk samples made from different sources of fermented milk (camel, soy and cheese whey) during cold storage for 90 days at 5° c compared to the control sample showed that acidity values significantly increased in all samples among the storage period. This was associated with a decrease in pH values. The range of titratable acidity for kishk samples prepared with fermented camel milk was 0.63 - 1.65 % and kishk prepared with cheese whey protein was 1.24 - 4.54%. The kishk samples prepared with fermented soy milk was 1.83 - 6.61%. The pH decreased during storage for kishk samples were made from fermented soy milk. On the other hand, the pH values and acidity of samples made from different sources were between 4.47 and 6.95%.
5.4. Scavenging activity % of kishk prepared from different sources at interval storage period :
The data for kishk samples showed that scavenging activity in zero time ranged from 24.83 to 59.04 % and after 3 months from 13.30 to 43.15%. The highest percentage was observed for a sample containing 100% camel milk with salt and thyme addition, that followed by kishk chips 2 in zero time , and a sample containing 50% soy milk with salt and thyme addition that followed by chips 6 after 3 months. Concerning scavenging activity content the highest modified three kishk sample, was kishk chips 6 (43.15%) followed by kishk chips 4 (42.12%) and kishk chips 3 (36.16%) ,respectively comparing to other samples after three months of storage period.
5.5. Sensory evaluation of kishk prepared from different sources :
The overall acceptability of kishk samples prepared from different sources at zero time was acceptable. The resultes revealed that kishk chips (6) was the highest sample in overall acceptable then soy milk 25%, camel milk 100% and whey cheese 25%. While, after three months the samples prepared from camel milk at 25% - 50% were the most acceptable samples. The samples contained 25% - 50% cheese whey keep their sensory properties during storage. The best samples were contained that soy milk at 25% - 50% and kishk chips 2, 5, and 6.
5.6. Microbiological analysis of different prepared Kishk samples at interval storage period:
The results for total bacterial count (TBC) prevails in kishk samples prepared from different sources ranged between 2.9 and 3.8 (log cfu/g) in zero time; after 6 weeks the range was between 3.0 and 3.8 (log cfu/g) and after 3 monthes the range was between 3.3 and 4.3 (log cfu/g). The differences were observed between yeasts and molds count in kishk samples at interval storage period.
5.7. Proximate composition of noodles:
The data indicated that the moisture, ash, protein and crude fiber percent increased when the incorporated rice flour ratio decreased in the noodles preparation as compared with control. The percent of moisture, ash and protein of noodle samples ranged from 4.02 to 5.39, 1.11 to 5.85 and 8.57 to 11.78%, respectively and proved significant difference. As for fat content, the oppsitte trend was observed however, fat percent increased with increasing rice flour incorporation and ranged from 5.14 to 8.91% compared with the control sample. Same trend was observed for total carbohydrates content which increased with the increasing of rice flour ratio in the noodles. An elevation in rice flour levels in the blends leads to increasing the energy value reaching its maximum level at the ratio of wheat: rice flour at 20:80.
5.8. Cooking quality properties
The data of cooking characteristics showed that rice based noodles were significantly affected with the addition of rice flour in various proportions. Cooking time decreased by the addition ratio increase. The cooking time ranged from 6.5 to 9.1 min in ascending trend as rice flour ratio increased as compared with the control (100%WF). Regarding to cooking loss of rice-based noodles, it was higher than wheat-based noodles and ranged between 0.10 - 0.60. On the other hand, the water absorption was found to be in the range of 164.9 - 231.6 %. Thus the cooking time decreases. Also, the protein content of rice noodle is low, owing to their dilution as a result of rice flour incorporation.
On the other hand, cooked weight of 10g sample variated from 23.74 grams recorded in wheat-based noodles to 33.24 grams obtained in noodles sample contained 40 % rice flour. The higher value for cooked weight of rice noodle could be resone to the elevate swelling ability of the noodles, which poited out that the maximum swelling index in noodle incorporated by 80% rice flour. The higher concentration of protein content in the product, the lower, the starch would be able to unbibe water, thus the cooked weight of the product decreases
5.9. Scavenging activity of noodles:
The antioxidant activity ranged from 22.2 to 36.8 %. The highest percentage was observed for a sample containing 80% rice flour.
5.10.Evaluation of sensory attributes for cooked noodles:
The data revealed that the sensory characteristics scores significantly decreased as the rice flour content increased. The noodles supplemented with up to 40% rice flour received the same acceptability as the control.