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Epidemiology of Occupational Injuries and Workplace Assessment In Turnery Industries at An Industrial Districet, Eastern Cairo 2021 /
Mansour, Asmaa Gamal.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أسماء جمال منصور عبد الرازق
مشرف / منى عبد العال عبد الحميد
مشرف / سالى عادل حكيم
مشرف / مها مجدى محمود وهدان
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
127 p. ;
الطب (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - طب المجتمع والبيئه وطب الصناعات
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Turnery industry or traditional machining is a very old and ancient techniques that is still very widely used in today’s manufacturing processes the machines are operated manually by the worker so the worker is constantly exposed to different hazards especially mechanical hazards such as injuries and accidents that could be fatal or non-fatal.
The objective of this study is to measure the frequency rate of occupational injuries and to determine its possible risk factors and to inspect the working environment of different work stations.
An interview questionnaire was designed and used to interview 75 workers the questionnaire includes: section I socio-demographic data of the studied population, Section II: work related data, Section III: occupational injuries and management, section IV: different occupational hazards.
An environmental checklist was used to inspect different work stations.
The study results revealed that the mean age of the workers 34.21 + 14.37 years, 60% were married, 33.3% had technical degree diploma and 48% were current smokers.
The mean duration of working in turnery industry was 17.48 + 12.64 years while mean working hours per day was 9.74 + 1.68. More than 69% of the workers were trained by apprenticeship before operating machines.
The frequency rate of injuries in the last year was 76%, the most frequent type of injuries was burn injuries 56% followed by cut wounds 40% followed by foreign bodies in the eyes 17.3%.
The most common area of the body injured was hands and forearms 70.7% followed by face injures 28% then eye and leg injures each 17.3% respectively.
As regarding safety training and usage of PPDs only 44% reported having safety training and only 21.3% reported using PPDs; more than 58% of the workers reported the availability of goggles while 56% workers reported the availability of gloves.
As regarding workers’ exposure to other occupational hazards 47% of the workers reporting carrying heavy objects, about 42.7% of them reporting long hours of body bending positions during work, 88% reported long standing hours, 48% reported repeated body bending and 53.3% reported repeated hand movements. Workers also reported exposure to physical hazards with 92% of the worker reporting exposure to noise, 80% of them reported exposure to heat, 68% reported exposure to vibrations, 64% reported exposure to electricity, 58.7% reported exposures to smoke and fumes and 56% of them reported exposure to dust.
As regarding possible risk factors associated with the occurrence of injuries, safety training, no PPDs usage, extreme hazard perception, standing for long hours and maintaining long body bending position for long hours were statistically significant (P<0.05) associated with injury occurrence.
Recommendation includes: applying safety measures and ergonomic features, safety training programs and ensuring the use of PPDs to decrease the rate of occupational accidents.