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Bullying Behavior and Its Effect on Preparatory School Students /
Elsisi, Hanaa Mohamed Abd Elstar.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هناء محمد عبد الستار السيسي
مشرف / جليلة الجنزوري
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تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
224 p. :
الصحة العقلية النفسية
تاريخ الإجازة
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جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - التمريض النفسي والصحة النفسية
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School bullying is recognized as a global problem and sparks public concerns for students’ safety. Bullying in schools is social problem which probably designates the most obvious form of juvenile violence manifested in the form of bullying a victimization which can exist regardless of the geographic location, socioeconomic status, and type school (Shahour et al., 2020).
Bullying is a subset of aggressive behavior which occurs mainly between children and adolescents in schools. Involves repetitive and intentional use of power by one individual or group against another, causing physical and psychological damage. Children can be directly involved in bullying either as bullies, victims who are involved in bullying both as bullies and as victims. Bullying behavior can take several forms including physical (fighting, pushing, hitting), verbal (teasing, calling names, threatening, spreading rumors), social (ignoring, exclusion, leaving on purpose), cyber (ding annoying electronic messages) through the phone (Pulido et al., 2019).
Aim of the Study
The aim of this study was to assess bullying behaviors and its effect on preparatory school students.
Research questions
To achieve the aim of this study the following research questions were formulated:
1. Is there a bullying behaviors among preparatory school students?
2. What is the effect of bullying behavior on the preparatory school Students?
Research design:
A descriptive design will be carried out to fulfill the aim of the study.
Setting of the study:
The study was conducted at preparatory school students in Ashmoun city, which is affiliated to Menoufia Governorate. Ashmoun city contains 10 preparatory schools, each school contains three grades (first, second and third grades). Data has been collected from the three classes in 10 schools.
Type of sample: Quota sample.
Sample size:
Sample size was 400 students according to formula for calculating sample size
(the (equation )
and it was developed by Jaykaran (2011). Data has been collected from the three classes in 10 Preparatory schools, in academic year 2019-2020.
Tool of data collection:
1. Interviewing Questionnaire(Appendix I)
Structured interviewing questionnaire was designed and written in an Arabic Language by the researcher based on related literature review. The professors of psychiatric nursing, constituted the panel of jury who revised the tool.
Interviewing Questionnaire includes:-
Part I: Socio-demographic data:-
It was constructed by researcher after reviewing literature in this field; the researcher designed the sheet. This section deals with Socio-demographic characteristics of the students under study cover information about the phone number of student, sex, class, Accomodation, school type, place of bullying.
Part II:-
Bullying behavior scale:
It was originally developed by Olweus (2003) to assess bullying behavior among preparatory school students and modified by the researcher. This scale was collected by students. This scale included 18 items for each items consist of three statement (a,b,c) each student choose one statement describe each case response are subsequent ”0-2”score with Not at all, Once, More than once.
Part III:
Victim scale:-
It was developed by Rigby1991, to assess Victimization behaviors among preparatory school students and modified by the researcher. This scale was collected by students. This scale included 18 items for each items consist of three statement (a,b,c) each student choose one statement describe each case response are subsequent ”0-2”score with Not at all, Once, More than once.
Part IV:
Effects of bullying behavior on student it was developed by Plaza, Krueger, (2014) to assess effect of bullying behavior on preparatory school students and modified by the researcher. This scale was collected by students. This scale consisted of 21 statements (a,b,c) each student choose one statement describe each case response are subsequent ”0-2”score with Never, sometimes, always.
Pilot study: Pilot study was conducted on forty students fulfilling the previously mentioned criteria. They represent 10% of total sample. Those preparatory students who shared in pilot study were excluded in the main study sample.
Results of this study showed that:
• More than half of the preparatory school students sometimes perform social bullying behaviors and nearly half of them perform verbal bullying behaviors, also less than half of the preparatory school students sometimes perform to physical bullying.
• About two fifth of the preparatory school students sometimes exposed to physical bullying behaviors and more than two fifth of them exposed to verbal and social bullying behaviors students.
• More than two third of the preparatory school students under study have moderate physical effect from bullying behaviors and nearly three fifth of them have moderate psychological effect from bullying behaviors. More than two fifth of the preparatory school students have sever social effect and moderate impact on academic achievement from bullying behaviors.
• Highly statistically significant relation between the Physical bullying behaviors and student’s gender, Class in the class and accomodation (p< 0.01).
• Highly statistically significant relation between the verbal bullying behaviors and student’s school type and accomodation. (P< 0.01).
• Highly statistically significant relation between the social bullying behaviors and student’s class in school (p< 0.01), and there is a statistically significant relation between the social bullying behaviors and student’s gender and accomodation. (P< 0.01).
• Highly statistically significant relation between the physical victimization behaviors and student’s class in the school and student’s school type (p< 0.01).
• Highly statistically significant relation between the verbal victimization behaviors and student’s class in school (p< 0.01).
• Not statistically significant relation between the social victimization behaviors and student’s gender, class in school, accomodation and School type (p> 0.05).
• Highly statistically significant relation between the physical effect of bullying behaviors and student’s class in school and accomodation (p≤ 0.001).
• Highly statistically significant relation between the level of psychological effect of bullying behaviors and student’s class in the school (p≤ 0.001).
• Highly statistically significant relation between the level of academic and social effect of bullying behaviors and student’s gender, class in the school and school type (p≤ 0.001).
• Highly statistically significant relation between the bullying (physical, verbal and social) behavior and physical victimization behaviors ((physical, verbal and social) of the studied students (p≤ 0.001).
• Highly statistically significant relation between the bullying (physical, verbal and social) behavior and (physical, psychological, academic/social) effect of bullying behavior of the studied students (p≤ 0.001).
Based on the finding of the present study, the following could be concluded that
• The highest percentage of preparatory school students under study perform social, verbal, and physical bullying behavior. In addition, they exposed to social, verbal, and physical bullying behavior and they had physical, psychological, and social effect from exposing to bullying behaviors also they had moderate impact on their academic achievement.
• There was a highly significant relation between physical, verbal, and social bullying behavior and victimization (physical, verbal, and social), in which pupils who were being bullied in one side tried to act as bullier at other instant,
• Also there was a highly significant relation between bullying behavior and bullying effect (physical, Psychological, academic achievement and social).
On the basis of the present study findings, the following recommendations can be suggested:
1. Designing and implementing training programs for all school personnel’s, i.e. teachers, administrators, and other school staff in order to know, how to recognize bullying, to intervene effectively and reinforce the importance of bullying prevention.
2. Sustainability of a programs that aimed at teaching the students social skills and conflict resolution to promote healthier relationships.
3. Stories program that includes character goals, feelings, reactions, and intentions to reducing problematic behaviors associated with bullying should be designed to promote positive group interactions.
4. Developing a comprehensive program intervention aimed at reducing bullying should be a school-wide effort to reduce the bully victimization that is occurring within the school system.
Psychiatric mental health nurse should design and implement -wide anti-bullying approach to reduce bully victimization and create a safe climate to learning for all students so they can grow and learn to become successful members of society.