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الكهنة والكهانة عند بنى إسرائيل في ضوء أسفار العهد القديم :
حسن، هــدير عــصام الدين عــجمي.
هيئة الاعداد
مشرف / مـحـمـد الهــــواري
مشرف / حنان كامل متولي
مناقش / منى ناظم الدبوسي
مناقش / سعيد عطية علي مطاوع
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
246ص. :
الأدب والنظرية الأدبية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الآداب - قسم اللغة العبرية وآدابها
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 239

from 239


This thesis deals with an important topic of Jewish theology that is considered a cornerstone of this religion. This thesis is entitled “The Priests and the Priesthood among the Children of Israel in the Light of the Books of the Old Testament: A Historical Analytical Study.” Judaism knew priesthood and priests played a significant role in the religious lives of Jews and directed texts and legislations of the Old Testament in the direction that accorded well with their interests which sometimes conflicted with the interests of others or with the interests of other priests. This had in impact on religious conditions in some periods. The importance of this thesis lies in focusing on major aspects of Judaism and attempting to unveil the influences that reached Judaism from the ancient Near East civilizations in relation to priests and priesthood. The thesis will have an introduction, followed by a preface and four chapters.
The first chapter is entitled “The Priest: His Costumes, Inauguration Ceremonies and Graduation in the light of the Books of the Old Testament.” It discusses designation, rituals of priests’ inauguration and appointment, clerical hierarchy, duties and positions. The second chapter is entitled “Ritual Slaughter, Sacrifices and Offerings according to Israelis in the light of the Books of the Old Testament.” It discusses different kinds of sacrifices and offerings given by Israelis in various occasions and situations, some of which as a thanks to God, and some as an atonement for a sin and many other reasons. The third chapter is entitled “Priests and Priesthood since Moses until the Emergence of the Monarchy in United Kingdom of Israel.” It discusses priests and priest in the era of Moses and Aaron until the division of Canaan, then the Samuel’s era until the Emergence of the Monarchy in United Kingdom of Israel. The fourth chapter is entitled “Priests and Priesthood from Monarchy till the Destruction of the Second Temple.” It discusses priests and priest in the era of the United Kingdom of Israel from Saul until the time of Solomon through the split period and the period following the destruction of the First Temple. Priesthood was an important pillar of the religions and civilizations of the ancient Near East peoples. It is Closely linked to the means of getting closer to God and a connection between the worshipper and the worshipped and the satisfaction of God at those times with material gifts such as offerings and sacrifices that the worshipper present to God through the priest. The priest was of great importance had extensive powers in the civilizations of the ancient Near East. Since the Arabic library lacked an integrated independent study that discusses the topic of priests and priesthood among Israelis, as far as we know, as some of the topics of this study are scattered throughout previous studies or as a form of signals presented unintegrated inside some writings on this topic. Therefore, this study can be considered as a humble new addition to an important topic of Judaism .
This research uses the historical and analytical methodologies as the researcher follows the concept of priesthood and the start of priesthood duties among Israelis as well as the changes they encountered through history and how Jewish priesthood was influenced by the rituals that were followed by priests of other peoples. The analytical method is clear in tackling the Books of the Old Testament that discuss the topic of priests and priesthood, offerings, ritual slaughters and sacrifices, as well as the way political authorities and prophets dealt with them. The study concludes with the research’s most important findings and conclusions on this topic. The researcher also includes a bibliography in Arabic, Hebrew and English arranged alphabetically according to the names of their authors at the end of the thesis.