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Epidemiology of vascular neck injury in polytrauma patients in emergency hospital Monsoura Universtiy /
Saleh, Ahmed Magdy Rizk.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أحمد مجدى رزق صالح
مشرف / سمير محمد عطية
مشرف / حسام رشدي احمد زاهر
مناقش / هشام علي شرف الدين
مناقش / المتولي رجب ابراهيم
Neck - Wounds and injuries.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
online resource (101 pages) :
طب الطوارئ
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الطب - قسم طب الطوارئ
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Background: Trauma itself is a pandemic that is expected to be the second most common cause of disability-adjusted years of life lost in the next 13 years (Chandran et al., 2010). Trauma represents for about 16000 deaths per day all over the world (Lecky et al., 2010).The neck is a complex anatomical area as various essential aerodigestive, neurological, and vascular structures exist in a limited space (Pirrelli et al., 2019).Injuries to the neck can have significant morbidity and mortality which need immediate intervention and attention (Burgess et al., 2012). This is linked not only to massive bleeding and cerebral ischemia because of vascular injury-related embolization or thrombotic occlusion, and also to secondary aerodigestive tract damage (e.g., airway compression from a large expanding hematoma) (Wahlberg & Goldstone, 2017).The most common mechanism is penetrating injuries, but the incidence of blunt vascular trauma is probably underestimated because related symptoms are often vague and not recognized or absent. The aim of the work: to determine the epidemiology of vascular neck injuries to patients admitted to Emergency Hospital, Mansoura University. Patients: This is retrospective (from Jan 2015 to Jan 2020) and prospective (from Feb 2020 to Jan 2021) to traumatic patients admitted to Emergency Hospital, Mansoura University suffering from Neck Vascular Injuries. Emergency Hospital Mansoura University is a level one trauma center with about 250,000 visit and 25,000 trauma cases per year. Methods: 1. Resuscitation of the patient 2- History taking. 3. Clinical evaluation and 𝟐𝐫𝐲 survey. 4. Radiological investigations. 5. Outcome was estimated by: Hospital length of stay- Intensive care unit length of stay- Morbidity and Mortality. 6. All data were recorded and analyzed. Results& Conclusion: Neck injuries are relatively rare, existing in 2.5% of all TQIP observations between 2012- 2016. Though this is lower than some earlier estimates. Treatment and prognosis differ between neck specific injuries and those in other regions in head and neck. The current study aimed to determine the epidemiology of vascular neck injuries. The current study included 96 traumatic patients admitted to Emergency Hospital, Mansoura University suffering from Neck Vascular Injuries. Recommendations: Vascular injuries must be a focus of attention for prevention, novel treatment research and priority of care. An understanding of the effect of such injuries on services is helpful in future resource planning.