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تأثير برنامجين تعليميين علي مستوى الأداء لبعض طلاب كلية التربية الرياضية جامعة المنصورة في مقرر السباحة وفقا للمعايير الأكاديمية القياسية :
خطاب، حمدى أحمد السيد الموافى.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / حمدى أحمد السيد الموافى خطاب
مشرف / محمد فتحى البحراوي
مشرف / محمد فتحى موافى
مناقش / محمد العزب بحيري
مناقش / وجدان محمد وهيب
الألعاب الرياضية - طرق التدريس. التدريب الرياضي. السباحة.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
مصدر الكترونى (352 صفحة) :
مناهج وطرق تدريس
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية التربية الرياضية - قسم مناهج وطرق تدريس التربية الرياضية.
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

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The Effect of two educational programs on performance’s level for some Physical Education students of Mansoura University in swimming course according to academic standards (comparative study) This study aims to identify the effect of two educational programs on the performance level of some students of the second year at the Faculty of Physical Education at Mansoura University in the course of swimming according to standard academic standards (a comparative study), where the researcher used the quasi-experimental approach using the three-group design, one of which is a control and the other two are experimental, This is for the tribal and dimensional measurements of each group in the variables under discussion, and the sample was randomly selected and numbered (90) students, from the second year students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Mansoura University, for the academic year 2019/2020, where they were divided equally into 3 groups. The results of the study resulted in the superiority of the second experimental group, which applied the educational program using hypermedia (hypermedia), the superiority of the first experimental group, which used the multimedia educational program, and the control group that used the academic educational program (followed) in improving the technical performance of the sample in Swimming crawl on the back. In light of the results, the researcher recommends applying the educational program using high-media (hypermedia) when improving the technical performance of back crawl swimming, due to the effectiveness and positive results achieved, and because of its positive impact on the direct interaction between the learner and the educational mateial.