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Relationship of Internet and Gaming Addiction with Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder among Male University Students \
Tharwat, Hesham Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هشام محمد ثروت
مشرف / نهلة السيد ناجي
مشرف / محمود ممدوح الحبيبي
مشرف / لبني أبو بكر إسماعيل عزام
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
164 P. :
الطب النفسي والصحة العقلية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - الطب النفسى
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Addiction is a medical condition characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli, despite adverse consequences. It is considered a disorder of the brain’s reward system which arises through transcriptional and epigenetic mechanisms and occurs over time from chronically high levels of exposure to an addictive stimulus.
Addiction to a substance and addiction to a behavior may look similar in their effects on behavioral patterns, emotions and physiology.
Substance addiction, involves direct manipulation of pleasure using products legal or illegal that is ingested into the body, including drug use disorders and food-related disorders. The second type, behavioral or process addiction comprises a series of potentially pathological behaviors that expose individuals to mood alternating events by which they achieve pleasure and become dependent.
Behavioral or process addiction comprises a series of potentially pathological behaviors that expose individuals to mood alternating events by which they achieve pleasure and become dependent.
Recently, there has been an interesting clinical and scientific shift in perspective with many believing that addiction should encompass the compulsive engagement in activities such as smoking, Internet use, and gaming, in addition to its conventional relation with pharmacologic rewards.
This study is considered a comparative observational cross sectional study aiming to assess the frequency of adult ADHD, internet addiction and internet gaming disorder among the selected sample. Also, it is aiming to assess the essential risk factors on internet addiction, internet gaming disorder and adult ADHD. Finally, it aims also to compare the frequency and co-occurrence of internet addiction and internet gaming disorder versus adult ADHD among the selected sample.
All subjects of the study were compared according to Socioeconomic Status scale, Internet Addiction Test (IAT) and Internet Gaming Disorder scale, and adult ADHD self-reporting scale (ASRS).
It was found that the frequency of adult ADHD is within the same prevalence found in recent studies.
Meanwhile, the type of faculty is not related to any of Adult ADHD, internet gaming disorder and internet addiction and video gaming addiction. However age as a risk factor couldn`t be assessed due to the narrow age range between the students.
It was found that there is positive relationship between internet addictions, internet gaming disorder, video gaming addiction with adult ADHD.
Other symptoms of ADHD, fidgeting, difficulty unwinding and relaxing, finishing the sentences of others, difficulty waiting one’s turn, talking too much in social situations, interrupting others while they are busy were significantly related to internet and gaming addiction with no significant difference between theoretical and practical faculties.