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A Study of Health-Related Quality of Life in Children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis and its Relation to Disease Prognoses /
Ibrahim, Nawal Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / نوال محمد إبراهيم
مشرف / إيهاب محمد عيد
مشرف / محمد سامى الشيمى
مشرف / شيرين مدحت رضا
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
152 p. :
طب الأطفال ، الفترة المحيطة بالولادة وصحة الطفل
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - معهد الطفولة - الدراسات الطبية للأطفال
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JIA is one of the most common rheumatic disease of children and a major cause of chronic physical disability with major individual and health service costs. It is not a single disease, It is a group of diseases of unknown etiology. It is characterized by an idiopathic synovitis of the peripheral joints, associated with soft tissue swelling and effusion.
HRQOL is defined as a multidimensional construct composed of the patient’s perceptions of impact of disease and treatment on his or her functioning in a variety of aspects of life, including physical, psychological and social health domains.
The evaluation and improvement of HRQOL and wellbeing have been included as a public health priority for governments, international organizations, health companies and research institutions.
HRQOL in patients with chronic illness reflect the discrepancy between the patient’s actual and psychological health, level of independence and social relationships.
In view of such data, the aim of this study was to assess the HRQOL in children with JIA with special emphasis on the relationship between complications and different types of JIA.
The present study was conducted on 150 children with rheumatoid arthritis, 50 apparently healthy controls (38 female and 12 male) with matched age and sex, 50 complicated JIA patients( 36 female and 14 male ) and 50 patient noncomplicated JIA patients (38 female and 12 male ).They were selected from pediatric allergy and immunology outpatient clinic Ain Shams University.
The studied patients were subjected to thorough history taking, full clinical examination, laboratory studies including CBC, ESR, CRP, RF, ANA and imaging study for patients only.
All the children enrolled in this study and their parents completed the PedsQL generic core scales and arthritis module and assessment of socioeconomic state (SES) Abd el Aziz El Shakhs was done.
The result of this study revealed:
• No statistical significant difference between groups according to demographic data.
• Statistical significant difference between types of JIA according to duration of disease.
• High statistical significant difference between JIA groups and controls according to hemoglobin, ESR and CRP.
• 95% of patients received NSAIDs and 65.7% of patients received Systemic corticosteroids with statistical significant difference (p value 0.004, 0.03, respectively).While 73.3% received methotrexate with high statistical significant difference.
• High statistical significant difference between JIA groups and controls according to father education, occupation and mother education.
• No statistical significant difference between the studied groups as regards their sex distribution and socioeconomic levels, they were manly average and below average levels, some were of low and few of above average socioeconomic levels.
• according to child proxy-reports of PedsQLTM 3.0 Arthritis module:
• High statistical significant difference of daily activities function and poor quality of life when compared with control group.
• High statistical significant difference of pain function and poor quality of life when compared with controls group.
• High statistical significant difference of side effect of medication and poor quality of life when compared with controls group.
• High statistical significant difference between JIA groups and controls as regard communication.
• High statistical significant difference between groups and controls as regard treatment.
• High statistical significant difference between types of JIA as regard pain, daily activities, treatment, side effect of medications and communications. Statistical significant difference was noted as regard feeling and school achievement.
• High statistical significant difference between groups and controls according to parent proxy-reports of PedsQLTM 3.0 Arthritis module as regard physical activity.
• High statistical significant difference between JIA groups and controls as a regard emotional function. according to parent proxy-reports of PedsQLTM as a regard social functioning.
• High statistical significant difference between groups according to parent proxy-reports of PedsQLTM as a regard social functioning.
• High statistical significant difference between JIA groups and controls according to parent proxy-reports of PedsQLTM as a regard school functioning.
• Statistical significant difference between JIA groups and controls according to parent proxy-reports of PedsQLTM 3.0 Arthritis module as a regard wellbeing.
• High statistical significant difference between JIA groups and controls according to parents proxy-reports of PedsQLTM as regard cognitive function.
• According to parent proxy-reports of PedsQLTM 3.0 Arthritis module as a regard wellbeing statistical significant difference between types of JIA as regard wellbeing. Moreover, high statistical significant difference was found as regard physical, emotional, social, school and cognitive.
• No statistical significant difference between child self-report and parent proxy-report of studied JIA children (8-12 years) and adolescents (12-18 years) concerning their PedsQL™.0 Generic Core Scales (GCS) & PedsQLTM 3.0 Arthritis module.