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Comparison of Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 Expression in Tumor- and Non Tumorassociated Skin in Patients with Basal Cell Carcinoma /
Elmasry, Ahmad Ihab.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Ahmad Ihab Elmasry
مشرف / Maha Adel Shaheen
مشرف / Nadia Galal El Hefnawy
مشرف / Marwa Salah Eldin Zaki
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
147 p. :
الأمراض الجلدية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - أمراض الجلدية
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family members are the major enzymes that degrade the components of ECM. They are a group of genetically related enzymes that play a role in normal tissue development, remodeling and repair. The same enzymes are also responsible for tissue destruction in several pathological conditions including acute and chronic inflammation, for skin damage occurring as a consequence of the natural process of aging, acute UV light exposure and connective tissue destruction during tumor invasion. Matrix metalloproteinases are thought to play many important roles that promote tumor spread. Among these are destruction of the surrounding stroma to facilitate tumor penetration and localized destruction of basement membrane around endothelial cells as a part of angiogenic response. In addition, MMPs cleave cell surface molecules together with pericellular non-matrix proteins, thereby regulating cell behavior in several ways. Among the various MMPs, MMP-1 is one of the important players in UVB induced collagen degradation. MMP-1 can be detected in vivo in many physiological situations, including embryonic development and wound healing, also in chronic cutaneous ulcers and many cancers. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the commonest malignant skin neoplasm. Sun exposure is the major risk factor for this tumor. It is a slowly growing, locally invasive malignant epidermal skin tumor predominantly affecting Caucasians. Metastasis is extremely rare Summary and Conclusion   96  and morbidity results from local tissue invasion and destruction on the face, head and neck. Concentrations of MMPs are thought to be elevated in BCC relative to normal skin. In addition, the loss of palisading arrangement in BCC has been correlated with the MMP-1 expression of stromal cells. Because the same enzymes are stimulated in response to acute UV irradiation, it is possible, however, that enzyme up-regulation reflects recent sun exposure rather than the tumor’s influence. The aim of this study was to compare MMP-1 expression using immunohistochemistry in tumor- and non-tumor-associated skin in patients with BCC. The study included 24 BCC patients: 8 females (33.3%) and 16 males (66.7%) with a mean age of 58.3±11.4. The controls were the same cases of BCC, but the specimens were taken from normal skin of sun exposed areas (dorsa of hands). All specimens were subjected to paraffin embedding, then H&E routine staining for confirmation and subtype determination. Then immunoperoxidase technique was applied to study the expression of MMP-1 by immunohistochemistry using MMP-1 Ab-6 rabbit polyclonal antibody. Assessment of stained cells was done between four regions of each specimen; the tumoral, peritumoral, safety margin, and control. Then a statistical comparison was made between these four regions in every specimen, and between differentiated and non-differentiated cases. Results revealed difference in enzyme expression between tumoral and peritumoral areas, in addition to a difference between peritumoral and safety margin areas, which reflected increased MMP-1 activity in the area surrounding the basaloid cell nests of BCC. Another comparison was done between differentiated and nondifferentiated specimens of BCC, which revealed that undifferentiated specimens showed more MMP-1 staining concentration but that didn’t reach a reliable statistical significance. Moreover, the study concluded the predominance of MMP-1 activity in the stromal cells surrounding the tumor nests not the tumor cells themselves.