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The role of tranexamic acid in control of traumatic intracranial hemorrhage /
Fouda, Radwa Ashraf Mohamed Fathi.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / رضوى اشرف محمد فتحى فوده
مشرف / مجدى عبد العزيز المحلاوى
مشرف / اشرف محمد فريد
مشرف / سامح محمد رفعت الشهداوى
مشرف / لا يوجد
Emergency Medicine.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
p 110. :
طب الطوارئ
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة طنطا - كلية الطب - طب الطوارئ والاصابات
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Summary and conclusion Traumatic brain injury which can be defined as an alteration in brain function or other evidence of brain pathology caused by an external force, is a leading cause of death and disability. Each year about 1.5 million persons die and more than 10 million persons are hospitalized following TBI worldwide(1).There is no effective therapy for primary brain injury caused by the traumatic insult. Current treatment aimed to reduce the risk factors of secondary brain injury(2).One of the most important and devastating parts of the secondary pathologic cascade that may occur after the initial brain injury is the progression of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH), especially within the first 24 hours. Its frequency varies according to TBI severity(3).These observations raise the possibility that an intervention administered in the first hours after the injury may prevent the enlargement of intracranial bleeding and therefore might improve patients‘ outcomes.
About a third of patients with TBI have coagulopathy. Those with coagulopathy have an increased risk of hemorrhage growth and higher mortality(8). Increased fibrinolysis, as indicated by high levels of fibrinogen degradation products, is a common feature of the coagulopathy in TBI, raising the possibility that tranexamic acid (TA) might reduce traumatic ICH(9).