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Serum Level of Parathyroid Hormone, Alkaline Phosphatase, Calcium and Ionized Calcium After Forearm Fracture /
Hassan, Ahmed Kamal Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
مشرف / Ahmed Kamal Mohamed Hassan
مشرف / Ahmed Mohamed Morsi
مشرف / Tameem Mohamed Shafik
مشرف / Tameem Mohamed Shafik
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - جراحة العظام
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 114


Delayed union and nonunion of the radius and ulna are
major complication of forearm fractures, accounting for 2% to
10% of all forearm fractures. The management of non union
fractures remain difficult due to the poor bone mass, the
existence of previous implant material if present and joint
stiffness that is associated with long-term immobilization.
During the last two decades, our understanding of
fracture healing has evolved rapidly. Bone is one of the few
body tissues that can heal without forming a fibrous scar and,
as such, the process of fracture healing recapitulates bone
development and may be considered a form of tissue
regeneration. The complex cell and tissue proliferation and
differentiation processes involved in fracture healing are
regulated by growth factors, inflammatory cytokines,
antioxidants, hormones, amino acids, and other nutrients.
Biochemical bone markers reflect bone metabolism and
provide information regarding bone turnover. With a bone
fracture, bone turnover is increased to facilitate fracture repair
and healing.
Our study aimed to identify abnormalilties and
differences in serum level of calcium, ionized calcium, alkaline
phosphatase and parathyroid hormone according to mode of
 Summary
trauma [low Vs high energy] in forearm fractures and role of
these markers in fracture healing.
50 Patients with forearm fracture with age range from 18
to 50 years were prospectively recruited from the Accident and
Emergency Department of Trauma Surgery, El Zaitoun
specialized hospital within 48 hours of sustaining the fracture.
Patients included in the study were asked to avoid calcium
supplementation during fracture healing.
All patients were subjected to informed consent and
assessment of fracture healing by plain X ray every 4 weeks
and measuring serum level of parathyroid hormone, calcium
level, ionized calcium and alkaline phosphatase level at 1st day
and 8th week.
We found that serum PTH level was elevated in both
groups at Day 1 with low energy group was higher than high
energy group, whereas after 8 weeks mean PTH level decreased
in both groups but in low energy group mean PTH level remain
elevated above normal level, Serum alkaline phosphatase level
increased in both groups at Day 1 whereas in low energy group
it was slightly higher than that of high energy group. After 8
weeks mean alkaline phosphatase decreased to normal level in
both groups, while serum calcium level was below normal level
in both groups where it was slightly higher in high energy
group than that of low energy group which increased after 8
weeks in both groups but remain elevated in high energy than
 Summary
low energy group and serum ionized calcium level was below
normal level at Day 1 in both groups whereas it was slightly
higher in high energy group than low energy group which after
8 weeks increased in both groups but remain elevated in high
energy group than low energy group.