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Workplace Violence against Nursing Staff in Maternal and Child Health Centers /
Helmy, Aya Hassan Ahmed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Aya Hassan Ahmed Helmy
مشرف / Hemat Abd Elmoneem Elsayied
مشرف / Mona Abo Bakr Abd Ellatef
مناقش / Mona Abo Bakr Abd Ellatef
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
193 P. :
المجتمع والرعاية المنزلية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - قسم تمريض صحة مجتمع
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 193


Violence in healthcare systems is one of the most common forms of workplace violence. Violence is present in all work environments but nurses are on the frontline of the health care system and have the closest contact with patients and their relatives. Thus they are at greatest risk of being abused in MCH centers environment.
Aim of the study:
The study aims to assess workplace violence against nursing staff in maternal and child health centers.
.Convenience sample was conducted among all nurses at all maternal and child health centers of Markz Abu Hommos, El-Beheira, Governorate, Egypt, in all MCH centers, total number of MCH centers is 40 centers with a sample of 275 nurses.
An interview questionnaire for nurses were used for data collection, which included the following six parts, Part I: Assess socio-demographic characteristics of nurses. Part II: Assess work characteristics and risk factors contributing to workplace violence against nursing staff in MCH. Part III: Assess the prevalence of various types of violence that the nursing staff is exposed in the workplace in the last 12 months in MCH centers. Part IV: Assess polices and regulation to deal with workplace violence in MCH centers. Part V: Assess nurses’ knowledge regarding types of work place violence in MCH centers. Part VI: Assess nurses’ performance regarding types of workplace violence in MCH centers. Part VII: Assess nurses’ attitudes’ regarding types of workplace violence in MCH centers (Appendix).
The majority of nurses were female and more than half of them their age range more than 40 years.
Regarding to work characteristics of nursing staff in MCH centers, more than one third of nurses had a work experience for more than 20 years.
Less than one third of nurses worked in obstetric clinic and family planning. Regarding to risk factors contributing to workplace violence against nursing staff in MCH centers, the majority of nurses reported that there is no training on copying strategies of the workplace violence and there is no security regulation in the workplace.
Regarding to the prevalence of the various types of violent events witnessed or experienced by nurses working in MCH centers. Less than on tenth of nurses were victim to physical violence by pushing, more than two third of nurses verbally abused in the workplace in the last 12 months, as regards the causes of verbal abuse more than half of nurses related to misunderstanding, waiting for long time and overcrowding.
Less than one tenth of nurses have been bullied / mobbed in their workplace in the last 12 months and less than one quarter of nurses sexually harassed in the workplace and all nurses sexually harassed by comments about appearance, clothing, or body parts and reported that the main reason for sexual harassment was the lack of religious or moral deterrent from overcrowding.
Regarding police and regulation to deal with the workplace violence in maternal and child health centers. The majority of nurses reported that there are no procedures for the reporting of violence in the workplace. More than three quarter of nurses reported there is no training in workplace on the coping strategies of the workplace violence and communication techniques and more than four fifth of nurses reported that there are no a security measures in the workplace.
Nurses’ knowledge regarding types of violence in MCH centers, more than half of nurses have unsatisfactory knowledge regarding types of WPV, while less than half of them have satisfactory knowledge regarding the types of workplace violence in MCH centers.
Regarding nurses’ performance (reported responses) less than half of nurses had low performance toward the workplace violence performance and less than one third of them took time off from work after being attacked.
Nurses attitudes’ regarding types of workplace violence in MCH centers, more than four fifth of nurses have negative attitude toward the workplace violence.
The current study revealed that statistical significant relation between years of work experience in the health sector and exposure to physical violence, verbal abused and sexual harassment.
The current study showed that statistical significant relationship between verbal abused incidents and knowledge of nurses, also there is a statistical relationship between knowledge of nurses and sexual harassment incidents.
There is highly significant relationship between performance of nurses and physical violence, verbal abused, bullying and sexual harassment.
The finding of the present study suggested the following recommendations:
1. Developing effective workplace violence prevention programme to restrict workplace violence and protect nursing staff in MCH centers, such as a mandatory incident reporting system, review of security teams’ responsibilities, and incident follow-up by management.
2. Healthcare institutions should develop policies and train security staff to ensure the optimum safety of the workplace environment.
Further recommendation:
1- Patients and their relatives should be aware of their bill of rights and respect their responsibilities toward health care facilities.
2- Intensive and extensive research on the causes of the workplace violence against health care staff especially nurses is suggested.