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Assessment of Health Promoting Behaviors
among Faculty of Nursing Students /
Abozeid, Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Abozeid
مشرف / Magda Abdel Aziz Mohamed
مشرف / Eman Talaat Mohamed
مناقش / Susan Mohamed Dessowky
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
195 P. :
التمريض الطبية والجراحية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - قسم تمريض باطني جراحى
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Health promoting behaviors is a whole actions and beliefs which individuals enforce in order to stay healthy and prevent themselves from diseases (Nassar& Shaheen, 2014). Health promoting behaviors include health responsibility, physical activity, nutrition, spiritual growth, interpersonal relations and stress management. Health-promoting behavior is an important concept in nursing, because most of nursing activities involve healthcare education.
Nurses are often expected as role models of health promoting behaviors and as leaders to activate communities for health promotion. Nursing students, who are responsible for patient health promotion education, are important to the success of this paradigm shift from a disease model to health promotion (Geok, et al, 2015).
Aim of the Study:
This study aims to assess the health promoting behaviors among faculty of nursing students.
Subjects and Methods:
Research design:
A descriptive design was used to conduct this study.
The study was conducted with the students enrolled at Faculty of Nursing affiliated to Ain Shams University.
A stratified random sample was included all faculty of nursing students’ of different specialties during the academic year 2018-2019. The estimated sample size is 282 nursing student out from 842 student (Thompson, 2012).
Tool of data collection:
Two tools was used to collect the data for this study;
I- Self-Administered Questionnaire (Appendix I):
It was designed by the researcher after reviewing the related literature and reviewed by supervisors. It was written in an Arabic language for gathering data in relation to the following parts:
Part I - Demographic characteristics of the studied students as age, gender, marital status, academic year, accommodation type and residence.
Part II - Social characteristics of the studied students’ families as number of family members, number of rooms, parent education and income.
Part III - Physical and medical assessment of the studied students as height, weight, body mass index and family history.
Part V- Unhealthy behaviors of students and their families as smoking, drugs and alcohol abuse.
II: Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile II (HPLP-II) scale (Appendix II).
It was adapted from (Hendricks, Murdaugh & Pender, 2006. Dudek, 2014) and modified by the researcher and translated into an Arabic language after reviewing the related literature and reviewed by supervisors. It was used for gathering data about health promoting behaviors among faculty of nursing students.
II. Operational Design
The operational design for this study consisted of four phases, namely preparatory phase, ethical considerations, pilot study, and fieldwork.
A. Preparatory Phase
This phase included reviewing of literature related to health promoting behaviors among faculty of nursing students. This served to develop the study tools for data collection.
Validity and Reliability: (Appendix IV).
It was ascertained by a group of experts (5) from different academic categories (professors and assistant professors) of the medical–surgical nursing at the faculty of nursing, Ain Shams University. Their opinions elicited regarding the format, layout, consistency, accuracy and relevancy of the tools.
- Reliability analysis by measuring of internal consistency of the tool through Cronbach’s Alpha test.
Tool Cronbach’s Alpha
Questionnaire Sheet .817
Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile II .92
B. Ethical Considerations
The research approval was obtained from the Faculty Ethical Committee before starting the study.
The ethical research considerations include the following:
 The researcher was clarified the objectives and aim of the study to nursing students included in the study before starting.
 Verbal approval was obtained from the nursing students before beginning in the study.
 The researcher was assuring maintaining anonymity and confidentiality of subjects’ data included in the study.
 The subjects were informed that they are allowed to choose to participate or not in the study and they have the right to withdrawal from the study at any time.
C. Pilot Study
Before performing the actual study, a pilot study carried out on 28 student those represent 10% of nursing students at the faculty of nursing, Ain Shams University in order to test the applicability of the constructed tools and the clarity of the included questions related to health promoting behaviors among faculty of nursing students. The pilot has also served to estimate the time needed for each subject to fill in the questions. According to the results of the pilot, some corrections and omissions of items were performed as change the format of some questions, so the pilot nursing students were not included in the main study sample.
D. Fieldwork
An approval was obtained from the Dean of faculty of nursing, Ain Shams University. Data were collected in three months, from the beginning of October 2018 to the end of December 2018.
The researcher first met with the students at the previously mentioned setting at the end day of the clinical area and explained the purpose of the study after introducing himself. The questionnaire for socio-demographic data was filled by nursing students which take 20-25 minutes. The students’ weight was measured by digital scale and their height was measured by tape. The Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile II (HPLP-II) scale distributed for each subgroup from each academic year. Each subgroup consisted of 12-15 students. Time consumed for the Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile was from 20-25 minutes for each subgroup. The researcher was present 3 days / weekly (Sunday, Monday and Tuesday) at morning (12p.m-3p.m) to collect data.
III. Administrative Design
The researcher met the Dean of faculty of nursing for explaining the purpose and the methods of the data collection. The official permission to conduct the study was obtained from the Dean of faculty of nursing, Ain Shams University.
The findings of the current study can be summarized as:
• The mean age of students was 20.8±2.3 years, (69.9%) of them were female and (95.4%) of them were single. Moreover, (33%) of students were at second year. Also, (69.1% & 55%) of students living with family and residing in urban areas, respectively.
• Regarding to father’s education (35.1%) of them had basic education. While, (37.9%) of mother’s education had diplom education. Moreover, (62.8%) of student’s family’s monthly income were sufficient.
• The mean of students’ weight was 66.1±13.9 kg. Also, the mean of students’ height was165.3±9.4. Moreover, (52.5%) of students were within normal weight.
• According the medical history, (3.9%) of students suffered from chronic diseases, (63.6%) of them suffered from respiratory disease, (81.8%) of them didn’t take regular medication and didn’t regularly check, respectively.
• Regarding to unhealthy behaviors of students, (5.7%) of students were smokers. Moreover, (100%) of students didn’t drink alcohol and didn’t take drugs, respectively.
• According the health promoting behaviors (64.9%, 56.4% & 40.4%) of students had good score in interpersonal relationship, spiritual growth and health responsibility, respectively. While, (50%, 49.6% & 43.6%) of students had poor score in nutrition, stress management and physical activity, respectively.
• Regarding to total health promoting behaviors (43.2%) of students had poor score. Moreover, (19.9%) of them had average score. While, (36.9%) of them had good score.
• Regarding to relation between demographic characteristics of students and total health promoting behaviors, there was highly statistically significant relation between total health promoting behaviors of studied students and their age, academic year, accommodation type and residence. While, there was statistically significant relation with gender and marital status.
• Regarding to the relation between the social characteristics of students’ families and total health promoting behaviors, there was highly statistically significant relation between total health promoting behaviors of studied students and parents’ education and income.
• Regarding the relation between the physical assessment for student and total health promoting behaviors, there was highly statistically significant relation between total health promoting behaviors of studied students and their body mass index. Moreover, there was statistically significant relation with history of chronic diseases. While, there were statistically insignificant relation with family history of chronic diseases.
Based on the study findings of the present study, the researcher concludes that: less than half of students had poor score regarding total health promoting behaviors scores, Moreover, about fifth of them had average score. While, more than one third of them had good score in total health promoting behaviors scores.
In the light of the findings of the current study the following recommendations are suggested:
- Health promotion and improvement courses must be included in the curriculum of all faculty departments.
- Educational programs and workshops about the health promoting lifestyles for faculty students at certain intervals.
- Health promotion planning to motivate students for regular physical activity, good nutrition and stress management.
- The study should be replicated on larger sample and in different universities in order to generalize the results.