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مشاهدة عينة من الاطفال للأفلام التاريخية بالتليفزيوان وعلاقتها بالانتماء لديهم /
على، أحمد عبد السلام محمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أحمد عبد السلام محمد على
مشرف / محمود حسن إسماعيل
مشرف / زكريا إبراهيم الدسوقى
مناقش / إيناس محمود
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
339ص. :
اعلام تربوى
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - معهد الطفولة - قسم الإعلام وثقافة الأطفال.
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 339

from 339


That belonging to the homeland is part of the integrated system of morality
that must be felt by the children from a young age and must be kept by
parents keen on the rest of the noble morality and here you home, school and
the competent state bodies to develop the child when the value of belonging.
The problem of the study:-
The problem lies in the next major Altsaol what is the relationship between
watching a sample of children of the historical films of belonging and has a
The importance of the study:-
1- Studies that addressed this issue and conduct of the study may be
useful workers in this field.
2- Represents the historical events of the most important elements of
individuals belonging to the homeland, which can be embodied in the
historical drama child from an early age.
3- This study attempts to reveal the role they play in the development of
historical films belonging in children 12 years of age: 14 years.
4- This study derives its significance from the importance of films as a
template technician thrown a large acceptance within the community
and is able to formulate concepts of the social community.
The objectives of the study:-
1- Identify the reasons watch historical movies.
2- Disclose the size of the contribution to strengthen historical films
belonging to the homeland.
3- .Identify how well respondents understand what is going on from the
events in historical films.
4- .Disclosure of the concept of affiliation from the viewpoint of
5- Disclosure of the role of historical films in strengthening belonging
among the children.
ملخص الدراسة
ملخص الدراسة باللغة الإنجليزية
The study hypotheses:-
1- No statistically significant relationship with the study sample of males
who follow historical films on a scale of belonging and the study
sample of females.
2- There were statistically significant differences between the mean
scores of the sample than watching television historical films on a
scale of belonging, according to residence (affluent suburb -
neighborhoods People)
3- There are differences of statistical significance between the mean
scores of the respondents who follow historical films telecast on a
scale of affiliation in accordance with the social and economic level
(high - medium – low(.
Fifth: the type of study and its methodology:-
This is a study of descriptive studies, which depends on the methodology of
the survey sample.
The community and the study sample:-
•survey sample of children 12 years of age: 14 years of school Preparatory
School in Greater Cairo (Cairo - Giza - Qalyoubia) in the period from
(11/18/2012 to 01/23/2013) and the researcher applying the sample (400)
Student (200 male / 200 female) and is divided in a manner equal
distribution of the junior high school of the region of Greater Cairo for
students aged between 12: 14 years.
Tools of the study:-
Questionnaire form.
The most important findings of the study:-
A - The results of the field study.
1- The convergence rates of TV Viewing respondents (male / female)
study sample rates (always), and (sometimes) by 48.3%, 49% watch
any the dramatically among those not watching television, a small
percentage of 2.8% of the respondents
2- .The results of the views of respondents of television daily average
(two to three hours) increased by 61.2% (and one to two hours)
increased by 21.3% (and three hours and more) by 17.5% and this
shows that the respondents watch television every day from two to
ملخص الدراسة
ملخص الدراسة باللغة الإنجليزية
three by a large margin (61.2%) than the number of respondents and
this indicates the attention of the respondents Read daily for a period
of not a few
3- Were the result of rate View respondents Film historic telecast at
constant rate of 26.5% sometimes by 41.9% and at a rate not seen by
31.5%, making the ratio approaching between the number of
respondents among those occasionally seen and not seen by making
that discovers studies in this field to induce strengthen affiliation
Through historical films
4- Were the result of rate reasons not to watch the respondents films
historical rate it (boring and does not provide new) at the forefront of
the reasons by 81.3%, then (the best follow-up films other) increased
by 71.4% (presented in times do not fit) increased by 49.5% and
average (I know what I want from other sources) also increased by
49.5 and finally rate (disapproval of these films to my interest)
increased by 30.8
5- Then came the results of rate over the understanding of the
respondents what is going on from the events inside the films
historical television where the nearest percentage of 60.2% of the
respondents to understand what is going on from the events in the
films of historical television as a (permanent) and then came the rate
of (sometimes) increased by 37.6% and the nearest percentage of
2.3% lack of understanding tack events
6- .The results of the rate of ”the impact of the respondents charismatic
hero of the film and try to imitate it by 28.2% on a permanent basis *
and 66.2% in sometimes * and 5.2 are not affected basis.
7- .Rate causes the input films historical in strengthening belonging to
the homeland from the perspective of the respondents: - represented in
(get more information about the historical places and events
preceding) at the forefront of the reasons by 85%, then (addressing
contemporary problems) by 82%, then (to provide a vivid picture Ikss
childhood ) increased by 74.4% and (addressing problems in the form
of historical) increased by 63.5% and (sense through these films that
we are people of tradition) increased by 62.4%, and finally
(participation in the work of the stimulus) increased by 28.2% as
shown detailed results of the presence of statistically significant
differences in responses Respondents Gul reasons watch talk shows,
according to type: - see females that films of historical interest in
strengthening belonging to Be rose 70.4% male and 40.4% greater
than males in terms of (Lasha desire to help her homeland and
ملخص الدراسة
ملخص الدراسة باللغة الإنجليزية
stimulate Li) and in terms of the interaction emotional with these
films to strengthen home was 70.4% females and 34.4% males in
terms of the (rejected vandalism and respond to) was Attat to 49.7%
and 29.6% male).
B - the results of hypotheses:-
1- There Fwerk statistical significance between the mean scores of the
respondents (male - female) who follow movies historical television
on a scale of belonging to Salah male as the value of statistical level
of significance 0.05 with the exception of (the need for independence
and the need for the guiding framework of social need for
2- There were statistically significant differences between the mean
scores of the sample than watching movies historical television on a
scale of belonging, according to the stage of residence (peoples - fine)
and the use of application tests valuable statistically significant at the
level of significance 0.05 with the exception of (the need for
independence - the guiding framework Social - the need to participate)
3- There Fwerk statistical significance between the mean scores of the
respondents who Anabon films historical television on a scale of
belonging, according to the level of social and economic (high -
medium - low) and dish choice of variance (ANOVA) and led to the
lack of differences between respondents at 0:05