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Quality of Life for School Age Children with Type I Diabetes /
El Shimy, Abeer Abdel Wanis Hassan.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / عبير عبد الونيس حسن الشيمى
مشرف / إيمان ابراهيم عبد المنعم
مشرف / مديحة أمين مرسى
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
170 p. :
طب الأطفال
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - تمريض الأطفال
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Type 1 diabetes is the most common endocrine disorder in children in which the body is unable to utilize glucose, an essential source of energy. Therefore QOL improvement in school age children with type 1 diabetes should be enhanced through assessment of their lifestyle and promoting the optimal physical, emotional and social well- being.
The present study was aimed to assess QOL for school age children with TID.
Subjects included all (80) Children confirmed diagnosis of TID not less than one year. Age from 6-12 years attending at Specialized Diabetic outpatient Pediatric Department in Children Hospital affiliated to Ain Shams University Hospitals.
Two tools were used for data collection Questionnaire by interviewing to asses socio-demographic data of diabetic children such as age, sex, birth order and the diabetic children’ knowledge regarding TID (definition, signs and symptoms, causes, treatment, care and complications and QOL scale KIDSCREEN was used to determine the level of QOL of children with TID by measuring the essential life spheres includes: physical, emotional, social, and school functioning as well as general well being. It was modified and translated to Arabic language by the researcher.
A pilot study was carried out 10% school age children. The results of the data obtained from the pilot study helped in modifications of the study tools. Items were corrected, recorded, omitted and added as necessary then all children involved in the pilot were excluded from the study subject.
Prior study conduction, ethical approval was obtained from scientific research ethical committee of Faculty of Nursing Ain Shams University. Children and their parents informed consent was obtained. Confidentiality of data and results were considered. An official permission was taken from dean of the Faculty of Nursing Ain Shams the hospital administration to start the present study.
Finding of the present study could be summarized as the following:
The mean age of studied children were 9.4 2.1 half of the studied children (50%) were in the age group 10 - 12 years, 60% of them were female and 4o%were male, more than half (55%) of the studied children were the second child in the family. More than half (60%) of the studied children have satisfactory knowledge about diabetes while 40%of them have unsatisfactory knowledge.
Result revealed that factors affecting the QOL of children with TID were physical well-being, psychological well-being, moods and emotions, self-perception, autonomy, parent relations and home life, peer and social support, social acceptance, school environment and financial resources. Result revealed that physical well-being 70% of the studied children had good physical well-being while, 30% didn’t have good physical well-Being and 55% of the studied children had good psychological well-being while 45% didn’t have good psychological well-being and 10%of the studied children had good moods and emotions while 90% had not good moods and emotions and 20% of the studied children had good self-perception while 80% didn’t have good self-perception and 60% of the studied children had good autonomy while 40% didn’t have good autonomy and 75% of the studied children had good parental relations and home life while, 25% didn’t have good parental relations and home life and 55% of the studied children had good peer and social support while 45% had not good peer and social support and 25% of the studied children had good social acceptance while 75% didn’t have good social acceptance and 50%of the studied children had good school environment while 50% didn’t have good school environment and 60% of the studied children had good financial resources. While 40% didn’t have good financial resources.
Finding of the study illustrates that there are statistical significant differences between duration of illness of the studied children’s and their QOL domains of psychological well-being, peer and social support and school environment. While, there are no statistical significant difference between duration of illness of the studied children and their QOL domains of physical well-being domain, moods and emotions, autonomy, parent relations and home life, social acceptance/bullying, financial resources (money matters) and self-perception.
The present study concluded that factors affecting the QOL of children with TID are physical well-being and psychological well-being and moods emotions self-perception and autonomy and parent relations and home life. Peer, social support and social acceptance/ School environment and financial resources. Furthermore, there was a relationship between duration of illness and QOL of children with TID.
In the light of the finding of the present study, the following recommendations are suggested:
1) Improving the QOL of school age children with T1D through; health education program and counseling.
2) Application of diabetic self management education to empower school age children with T1D.
3) Further researches are recommended to investigate the medical compliance of children with T1D on their QOL.