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Causes of Switching from One
Family Planning Method to
Another in Rural Areas /
Amer, Gmalat Shaaban Mousa.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Gmalat Shaaban Mousa Amer
مشرف / Faten Khayrat El-Guindi
مشرف / Mona Abo Bakr Abd.Elatif
مناقش / Mona Abo Bakr Abd.Elatif
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
237 P. :
المجتمع والرعاية المنزلية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - قسم تمريض صحة المجتمع
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Background: Switching from one FP method to another is common and this exposes women for unplanned pregnancy. Aim of study: assess the causes of switching from one family planning method to another in rural area. Sample: Purposive sample of 368 women who switching from a family planning method to another was selected from 4 primary health care units. Tools: interviewing questionnaire which consisting of three tools. First Tool: Part (1) for assessing women’s demographic data as (Age, work status, level of education,…etc).
Part (2) for assessing women’s knowledge regarding to family planning .part (3) for assessing women’s practices regarding to their family planning methods. Second Tool: Part (1) for assessing causes of this switching. Part (2) for assessing women’s health status and present complain. Third Tool: for assessing women’s satisfaction regarding to family planning services. Results: more than half of women in this study doesn’t work, 87% had completed secondary & higher education. Most of them has unsatisfactory knowledge about family planning, 32.3% of women suffering from obesity, while 88% suffering from Anemia. 46.7% switching their methods during the first year, 84.5% getting methods from a governmental sector, 36.1% of women switching their methods due to occurrence of side effects and 29% of women are unsatisfied regarding to family planning services. Conclusion: more than two fifth of women who switching their methods due to occurrences of a serious medical problem (medical complication), and more than one third is due to occurrences of a side effects, the most common side effects were forgetting the correct time of taking FP method and more than three fifth suffering from change in their weight (commonly over weight). Recommendations: Raising knowledge for women through programs, booklets and brochures and media. Increase women’s knowledge about side effects of FP methods, follow up periodically especially for woman suffering from side effects from the FP methods or other any health problem to prevent stopping and switching of family planning methods in health.
Key words: Family planning, switching, rural area