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Care Provided for Mentally Retarded Children at Non Governmental Association /
Ahmad, Adwaa Mmdouh Mohamad.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Adwaa Mmdouh Mohamad Ahmad
مشرف / Omaima Mohamad Esmat
مشرف / Mona Abo Bakr Abd Ellatef
مناقش / Mona Abo Bakr Abd Ellatef
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
181 P. :
المجتمع والرعاية المنزلية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - قسم تمريض صحة مجتمع
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 181


Mental retardation (MR) is one of the most distressing handicaps in any society. Development of an individual with mental retardation depends on the type and extent of the underlying disorder, the associated disabilities, environmental factors, psychological factors, cognitive abilities and co-morbid psychopathological conditions (Kumar, Singh & Akhtar, 2014).The care providers of mentally retarded children require lifelong adjustment. Hence the caregivers need guidance and counseling which is an important aspect of management (Mercy, 2016).
Aim of the Study
This study was carried out to assess care provided for mentally retarded children at non- governmental associations.
Research questions
1) What are the care provider’s knowledge about the mental retardation causes, symptoms, degrees, management and prevention?
2) What are the care provider’s practice and attitude toward mental retardation?
3) What are the environmental characteristics of non- governmental association?
4) Are there a relation between care provider knowledge, practice, attitude and their socio-demographics ?
5) Are there a relation between care providers practice and their knowledge?
6) what are the current health status of the mental children?
Research design:
A descriptive design was used in this study.
The study was conducted in kefir-sheikh Government, Dahlia Government Egypt including (13) non-governmental associations, which are resident places , fool residence having the children the howl week except Thursday day and Friday can be stayed with the family if they want ,food served three times Daly for seven days , medical supervision available if needed referred to governmental centers , most of the financial sources depends on the voluntary contributions first -Family and childhood association second - Caring childhood and raising the family association third - Alreada for special cases association-quotor Tanta forth-Happy heart care fifth-Beloved serving association six-Resale association seven- Alragaa center for caring of special persons eight- Resale for persons with spicial needs nine-Alkhadmia association ten -Tan meet al mougtamaa association eleven- Alosra waltefoola twelve-Altaheal association thirteen –Teatch center for speech and rehabilitation .
Purposive sample composed of 78 health care providers and 104 children and their family at the previous mentioned setting, under following criteria;
Inclusion Criteria:
 Mentally retarded children from both gender aged (5-12 years old).
 Care providers aged from (20-50 years old).
 Families of investigated children.
Tools of data collection
Data collected through used the following tools:
The first Tool: A pre designed Questionnaire sheet; it was designed by the investigator in simple Arabic language to suit level of understanding of the studied sample and after reviewing the related literature, it was consisted of four parts:
Part 1:
It was concerned with the child socio-demographic characteristics such as age, child order, family size, occupation, education of level, child medical history, place of residence.
Part 2:
It was concerned with the care provider’s knowledge regarding MR. It includes causes, symptoms, degrees, management and prevention of mental retardation.
Part 3:
It was concerned with care provider’s practices toward the mental retarded children, regarding eating, drinking, bathing, accident prevention, etc….
Part 4:
It was concerned with care provider’s attitude toward the mental retarded children, opinions on where people with disabilities should live, the education they should get, as well as care provider’s’ knowledge of, and exposure to, people with mental retardation, etc….
The second tool: Observational checklist for environmental assessment; The furniture surrounding, Cleaning, Safety, Water supplies, atmosphere, landforms and etc… Physical factors regarding (pain, discomfort, activities of daily living).
The third tool: Medical record for children with mental retardation, IQ, laboratories investigation, medical history, present complain etc………
The main study findings can be summarized as follows:
The mean age of the studied children was 9.12±2.19, more than half of them were males (57.69%), in relation to child order among his sibling, more than half of children was first child (57.7%), about three quarters of them were had school education (72.12%), half of them were educated in a school with special needs (50.7%) and more than one third of them were diagnosed in the first year of life (37.50%).
The mean of mother’s age during pregnancy was 25.59±6.14, more than three quarters of them were medically followed up during pregnancy (77.88%) and were had health problems during pregnancy (78.85%) and the common problems were premature birth (25.61%) and toxicity of pregnancy (20.73%). The majority of mothers’ children intake of contraindicated drugs during pregnancy (83.65%).