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شكل الحكومة ومدى مساهمته في تحديد النظام السياسي في المجتمع في العصور المختلفة :
منير، عماد الدين محمود ابراهيم احمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / عماد الدين محمود ابراهيم احمد منير
مشرف / محمد أنس قاسم جعفر
مشرف / طه عوض غازي
مناقش / السيد عبد الحميد فودة
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
956ص. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الحقوق - قسم فلسفة القانون وتاريخه
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام


This study seeks to explain ”the form of the government and its contribution in determine the political system of the society during different ages”.
In light of the previous title of the study the researcher divided this study in to introductory theme and four main parts:
The introductory theme concerned with indication of the general idea of the study, the purpose, methodology and determine the concept of political philosophy and its difference with the similar concepts in other sciences. The study targets to explain the impact of governments on the different systems inside states so, this lead us to determine the factors contributing in forming reality and the dominant philosophy in the society which may include a huge role in forming the political system of the society.
The first part concerned to study the historical context of state establishment. This part concerned the state from many sides starting from the spread of state idea, its definition, corners, characteristics, various theories related to determine the origin of state establishment and development.
After the study of the first part we found that the modern age and independence movement depended either directly or indirectly on the social contract theories which alert people that it should have a role in the life of their individuals and the final word should be to people not government. These theories, for the first time, discusses the holly right which was the main base of kings and emperors governance to world peoples. For the first time, these theories had the courage to say:
”No one could have the holly right on the others life, God didn’t delegate anybody to control the fat of millions of people and lead them according to his wishes and whims”. The social contract was the start of establishing the modern constitutions which in turn established on the base of public will representation.
The second part of this study concerned with democracy concept and practice of it in reality constitutes an attractive factor and struggle goal for both individuals and people along several ages. In the beginning the democracy was a target where peoples seek to reach it due to what is included in it as principles of freedom, justice and equality after suffering of theses peoples from the different types of governance systems as individual governance, minority governance and finally self- governance by the people.
The third part of this study specified to study the political thought along ages. This part dealt with the political thought in various ages starting from the origins of the political thought in the ancient east passing with the political though t during both Greek and Roman ages then development of this thought during medieval ages till the modern age.
After studying the third part subject we found that the heritage of the ancient political philosophy which formed the main features of the traditional political theory in the political science, had an important impact in the knowledge accumulation of political science, as it is one of the most ancient social and humanitarian sciences which concerned with studying the most important social and human phenomenon which is the political phenomenon.
The fourth and final part of this study concerned to study the government through historical analytical vision in light of the variables of modern democracy with application on the Egyptian constitutional order.
After studying of the fourth part subject we found that after explaining and analyzing all forms of governments and the historical explaining of constitutional life in Egypt, the government as an institution consider one of the most ancient political institutions in the world. from the ancient ages the societies needed to governors and executors to manage the human societies. The government was defined as a form of power practice in the society, for this reason we found that most political scholars specialized in study governments think that government should be studied individually but should be collateral to know part of Anthropology, economics, history, philosophy and social sciences to complete the study and clear its features. This is what the researcher tries to apply through this study.