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Academic Satisfaction and Self-esteem among Undergraduate Nursing Students /
ghazy, Shaza Salah El-Sayed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Shaza Salah El-Sayed ghazyعغ70
مشرف / Galila Shawky Elganzory
مشرف / Sorayia Ramadan Abd El fatah
مناقش / Sorayia Ramadan Abd El fatah
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
169p. :
التمريض (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - تمريض وصحة نفسية
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Self-esteem can be defined as a form of self-acceptance, personal appreciation and subjective respect of one’s own. Understanding of self-esteem level of the individual by looking at the discrepancy between how the individual perceives oneself and the self he would like to be. The period of youth is very important in terms of development of self-esteem. Therefore, the students’ self-esteem should be developed in this period. Nursing education is a difficult and stressful process while the students obtain important properties for nursing profession like knowledge, attitudes, values and skills, it is expected that they can have self-confidence at a high level, express themselves and communicate effectively.
Students are the direct recipients of the service provided by the university; Students’ satisfaction has become an extremely important issue for universities and the management itself direct or indirectly. Hence, student satisfaction is an important issue in terms of quality of service provided in the marketing to be addressed by the university.
 Summary
Aim of the study
This study aimed at assessing academic satisfaction and self-esteem among undergraduate nursing students at faculty of nursing of Al-Azhar University.
Research Questions
1- What are the levels of academic satisfaction and self-esteem among undergraduate nursing students?
Subjects and Methods
The study portrayed under the four main designs as follows:-
I- Technical design
The technical design included research design, setting, subjects and tools for data collection
Research Design:
A descriptive explanatory design was utilized in this study.
This study was conducted at the faculty of nursing of Al-Azhar University.
 Summary
A sample size included all available nursing students in faculty of nursing from first to fourth grade (427) students.
 Exclusion Criteria:
- Students who were not present in the class during the period of data collection
- Students refused to participate in research.
- Students with history of mental illness.
Tools of data collection:
I- Interview questionnaire sheet including three tools: -
A- Socio-demographic data: such as (students’ age, residence, marital status and academic year). This tool is developed by the researcher.
B-The Undergraduate Nursing Students Academic Satisfaction Scale (UNSASS) is a valid and reliable questionnaire that is specifically designed to assess satisfaction of undergraduate nursing students with their academic programs. It is a 48items questionnaire through using scale (Dennison & Elmasri, 2012) that can be completed in 15-20 minutes including class teaching, clinical teaching, program and support & resources.
 Summary
C- Self-esteem scale: self-esteem is assessed through used a Rosen berg scale (1965), this scale consisted of 10 statements about the positive and negative sensation of self-worth, there are five positive and negative statements with five likert scale ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree.
II- Operational design
It included the preparatory phase, content validity, reliability, pilot study and field work.
A) The preparatory phase:
It included reviewing of related literature and theoretical knowledge of various aspects of the study using books, articles, internet periodicals and magazines to develop tools for data collection.
B) Content validity and Reliability:
The tools used to assess academic satisfaction and self-esteem were valid and reliable tools and specifically designed to assess them.
 Summary
C) A Pilot study:
Before performing the actual study, a pilot study was carried out on 10% of sample size to test clarity, efficiency and applicability of the tools.
Field work:
The researcher introduced herself to nursing students. The purpose of the study and how-to fill-in the questionnaire was explained to the students who agreed to participate in the study prior to any data collection. Approval was obtained orally before taking socio-demographic data and after explaining purpose of the study. The students were assured that information collected would be treated confidentially, and it would be used only for the purpose of the research. The tools of data collection were filled in and completed by the researcher. The researcher was available 3 days/week (Sunday, Monday and Wednesday) to collect data and implement this study. The students were divided into groups for each academic year, the actual field work extended from the middle of October 2016 to the end of March, 2018.
 Summary
III- Administrative design
An official permission letter to conduct the study was obtained from the faculty of nursing, Ain Shams University to the dean of faculty of nursing at Al-Azhar University in which the study was conducted.
IV- Statistical design
The collected data was organized, analyzed using appropriate statistical significant tests.
Ethical considerations
Prior study conduction the ethical approval was obtained from scientific research, ethical committee of Faculty of Nursing, Ain-Shams University. An informed consent was obtained from each study subject. The researcher clarified the aim of the study to the students who are included in the study. The researcher maintained confidentiality of students’ data and gave them the choice to participate or not and the right to withdraw from the study at any time.
 Summary
The results of the study revealed the following: the results showed that (49%) of the female students were in age group (20- 22) yrs., (96%) of the female students were single, (71%) of female students were from rural area, (43,1%) had low self-esteem, (73.4%) of nursing students had low satisfaction regarding class-teaching, clinical teaching, program and support & resources. there is highly statistical significance relation between nursing students’ self-esteem and academic years, there highly statistical significance between students’ academic satisfaction and academic year
There are three levels of self- esteem among the studied nursing students, near to half of nursing students had low self-esteem, more than one third had moderate self -esteem and less than quarter had high self -esteem. There are two levels of academic satisfaction among nursing students; majority of nursing students (less than three quarter) had low academic satisfaction while more than quarter had high academic satisfaction.
 Summary
 Training sessions and workshops should be organized to improve self-esteem of nursing students.
 Orientation sessions should give for nursing students regarding their academic program and resources.
 Educational courses should be made for training instructors and upgrade resources.
 Channels of communication for expressing students’ feedbacks positive or negative should be available to administration.
 Further studies are recommended in faculties of nursing to assess students’ satisfaction and self-esteem and identifying factors affecting them.