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Effect of Ice Hand Massage on Relieving Labor Pain/
Al Naggar, Menna Abdullah Eid.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Menna Abdullah Eid Al Naggar
مشرف / Safaa Abd El Raof Abd El Hamid
مشرف / Randa Mohamed Ibrahim
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
172 p. :
الأمومة والقبالة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - الأمومة وأمراض النساء
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major priority of therapeutic- healthcare systems is to care for two vulnerable groups, mothers and children. Therefore optimal pain relief care for mothers during labor has been of central concern (Zahra et al., 2012).
Although pain is perceived as an inevitable part of childbirth, despite modern developments in medicine it has yet to be appropriately managed. Pain management continues to pose a problem for women during childbirth. Labor pain can be very diverse in terms of the intensity felt by an individual and mean labor pain intensity is still regarded amongst one of the most severe pains human beings experience (Zahra et al., 2012).
The purpose of this study was to study the effect of ice hand massage on relieving intensity of labor pain. A Quasi experimental design was used to achieve the study purpose. The study was conducted at pre-labor room that located in labor unit at Ain Shams Maternity University Hospital.
A Simple random sample ”tossing” technique was used to select subjects of the study one hundred fifty primipara women through the following steps; first step the researcher review the register book of the delivery unit at Maternity University Hospital ”main list” then the researcher extract sub list that included primipara women at each day of data collection based on inclusion criteria. Then the researcher divided the selected women into three equal groups randomly through computer. The first one was the control group; while the second and third groups were the intervention group ”second group received ice hand massage at right hand” meanwhile, ”third group received ice hand massage at left hand”.
 Three tools of data collection were used as follows: First tool was Official labor document at hospital for gathering data related to socio demographic characteristics, current labor history. Second tool was Visual Analogue Scale for pain intensity that adopted from Wewers and Lowe (1990) used to assess labor pain scores it consisting of FPS with seven facial expressions of pain, from happy (scored 0) to agonized (scored 6), were used. Ask the mother to choose face that best describes own pain and record the appropriate number. This tool was used for both groups three times; first time at 4cm cervical dilation pre and post intervention, second time at 6cm cervical dilation pre and post intervention and third time at 8cm cervical dilation pre and post intervention.