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Baraka, Ehab Shukry Mohamed Ali.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / إيهاب شكري محمد علي بركة
مشرف / عادل محمد علي خضر
مشرف / ثروت محمد الشيمي
مشرف / سيد أحمد حسن سالم
مناقش / مجدي حسنين عبد القادر الجعبري
مناقش / عبد الكريم عبد التواب محمود
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
96 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - كلية الطب البيطرى - أمراض الحيوان المعدية
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Caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE) is a chronic viral disease of Domestic goats caused by a member of lentivirus of the family Retroviridae.
In this study, the prevalence of caprine arthritis encephalitis virus was investigated in two governorates in Egypt. Atotal of 176 serum samples were collected from local (Egyptian Nubian, Egyptian baladi) and foreign breeds (barki and shami) of goats from ten flocks from different localities in behera and Alexandria governorates.
Enzyme-linked-immuno-sorbent assay (ELISA) was employed for the detection of anti –p28 antibodies directed against CAEV.
56/343 goats were clinically suspected of caprine arthritis encephalitis (16.33%).
Signs of Arthritis were recorded in 9/343 goats (2.62%) in the form of variable degrees of lameness, painful polyarthritis of the carpal joint, accompanied by synovitis and bursitis.
Signs of Mastitis were recorded in twenty one (6.12%) goats, in the form of asymmetry of the two halves of udder, together with diffuse hardening.
Signs of pneumonia were recorded in twenty two (6.41%) of goats in the form of chronic pneumonia and progressive dyspnea.
Signs of encephalitis were recorded in four goats (1.16%) in the form of hesitant shuffling gait when driven, ataxia, alert and hyper reflexes, also corneal opacity is recorded in three cases of the four goats.
10/120 goats were clinically normal but positive serologically for caprine arthritis encephalitis by ELISA, at a percentage of 8.33%.
Excluding weak positive results, the seroprevalence of the disease on herd bases was 30%.
Individual base sero prevalence was 24/176 goats positive at a percentage of 13.64%, fifteen Samples were strong positive at a percentage of 8.52%. And nine samples were weak positive (5.11%) excluding weak positive results; we had a seroprevalence of 8.52%.
Four of tested animals were recorded to be positive serologically by ELISA test at Behera governorate, at a percentage of 3.96%, while twenty of tested goats were recorded to be positive serologically by ELISA at Alexandria governorate, at a percentage of 26.69 %.
All sero positive goats were from the breed barki (15/106) at a percentage of 14.15%, and all tested goats from breeds Egyptian Nubian goat (Zaraibi), Egyptian Baladi and Damascus (Shami) were seronegative.
Thirteen goats recorded to be positive were females at a percentage of 9.42 %( 13/138) and only two seropositive goats were males at a percentage of 5.26 %( 2/38).
Excluding weak positive goats, the highest sero prevalence of goats were at age between 4and5 years (4/19) at a percentage of 21.1%, followed by 3-4 years (3/22) at a percentage of 13.64%, The highest CAEV sero prevalence was observed in goats older than 3-years and younger than 6-years of age.
13/158 tested animals were recorded to be positive serologically by ELISA in dairy goat at a percentage of 8.23%,while 2/18 tested goats were recorded to be positive serologically by ELISA in meat producing goats at a percentage of 11.11%.
All serologically positive cases were in goats raised by open system, at a percentage of 11.36%.
ELISA test results on the milk whey samples reflected the same results as obtained by ELISA test on the blood serum samples of the same goats, No milk whey sample produced a dubious, or suspicious, serological analysis by ELISA.