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استخدام قبعات التفكير لتنمية التحصيل والتفكير الإيجابي في مادة العلوم لتلاميذ الصف الثاني الإعدادي/
محمد، نعيمة إبراهيم بنور الحاج.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / نعيمة إبراهيم بنور الحاج محمد
مشرف / منى عبد الصبور محمد
مشرف / رشا أحمد الطحان
مناقش / سعيد محمد السعيد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
306 ص. :
المناهج وطرق تدريس العلوم
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية البنات - قسم المناهج وطرق التدريس
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 306

from 306


Abstract of the Study
Student’s name: Na’ema Ibrahim Benour Al-Haj Mohamed
Thesis title: Using the thinking hats for developing achievement and positive thinking in science subject among second preparatory grade students.
The research aimed to identify the effect of using the thinking hats for developing the achievement and positive thinking in science subject among the second preparatory grade students in Libya. The semi-experimental method was used in both experimental and control groups. The tools consisted of the cognitive achievement test for the levels of Bloom (recall, understanding, post-understanding), the positive thinking skills scale (prediction, curiosity, taking responsibility, problem solving). The total number of research group was (60) male and female students equally distributed on the experimental and control groups, (30) of which represent the experimental group to be distributed equally at Bir Hammadi Primary School, and (30) represent the control group at school of Abi Firas Al-Hamdani for basic and intermediate education in Libya. The results of the research found that there is statistically significant difference between the mean scores of experimental and control groups students in the posttest of the cognitive achievement test as a whole and in its sub-levels in favor of the experimental group. There is also statistically significant difference between the mean scores of experimental group in the pretest and posttest of the cognitive achievement test as a whole and in its sub-levels in favor of the posttest. There is a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of experimental and control groups students in the posttest of the positive thinking skills scale as a whole and in each skill separately in favor of the experimental group, and there is also statistically significant difference between the mean scores of experimental group students in the pretest and posttest of the positive thinking skills scale as a whole and in each skill separately in favor of the posttest.