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مشرف / محمد إبراهيم الطاووس
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346ص. ؛
الأدب والنظرية الأدبية
تاريخ الإجازة
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جامعة عين شمس - كلية الآداب - قسم اللغة العربية وآدابها.
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

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from 346


A Reading in the Poetry of Omar Abi Resh|a, from the Perspective of Cultural Criticism: A Critical Study
This study aims to present a wide analytical cultural reading for the struggling experience of the poet Omar Abi Resha, and to study what’s beyond the text to prevail the bright side in the poet’s life, and how he preferred to say the truth, to express his nation’s causes and security on his personal goals.
The importance of this study lies in being the only study that deals with this presented subject itself, hoping that it adds a significant new thing to the Arabic library, and sheds the light on the poet’s life through a new method. The latter is the cultural criticism, which is regarded as the newest critical method in the literary and critical field, and the latest theory of modernity in the literary criticism.
This study is based on the reading of the poetic lyrical achievements of the poet Omar Abi Resha through an analytical cultural study for the entire poet’s works, collections of poems, and his different writings.
This study is divided into three chapters, which are as follows:
The first chapter presents a reading for the struggling experience of the poet in the light of cultural criticism through three sections, which are a theoretical preface, the poet’s life and the cultural context and the poets of the Arab nationalism in the era of Abi Resha.
The second chapter deals with the features of heritage’s inspiration in Abi Resha’s poems through three sections, which are recalling the history, the poetic harmony, and a textual cultural reading.
The third chapter presents the vision and structure in the poems of Omar Abi Resha through many sections, which are the technical image and composition, the poetic paradoxes, the repetition’s methods, and the representation of the other.
I hope that this study will open the spaces of poetic texts in the poetic experience of Omar Abi Resha as one of the innovators in the modern era, and one of those who were famous for employment of the Arab heritage to reach the sufficient knowledge of aesthetic and cultural structures in his poems