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Domestic Homicide /
Khamies, Nourham Kamel Mahmoud.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / نورهام كمال محمود خميس
مشرف / علاء الدين سليمان
مشرف / سهير حلمى الغنيمى
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
210 p. :
الطب النفسي والصحة العقلية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - الأمراض النفسية
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view


Domestic violence is known as a social phenomenon since early modern society which has been based on family. The endpoint of domestic violence is domestic homicide.
Domestic homicide is an extreme form of domestic violence; causes of domestic homicide have reflected a variety of factors e.g. biological, psychological, social and cultural factors.
Recently, domestic homicide shows widely spread serious problem as it comes among the top 10 leading causes of death for men, women, and children between the ages of 1 and 44 years.
Domestic homicide includes many types, the most common type is uxoricide (spousal or intimate partner homicide), and it represents the most prevalent cases of murder within the family. Other types include parricide, the murder of a parent by an offspring or a stepchild; filicide, the murder of a child by a parent; and siblicide, the killing of one sibling by another; and familicide, the killing of one’s whole family.
Killing weapons here have been widely variable, including guns, sharp instruments (knives), strangulation, firearms, bodily force and blunt objects.
Gender differences in domestic aggression and homicide are very noticeable, approximately half of spousal homicide offenders are wives, and about 5 million women per year are reported to be assaulted by their male partners, while homicide victim rates for women are still much higher than male rates, with a four to one rate.
Also, 40-70 % of women who have been murdered were killed by their intimate partners, usually in the context of an abusive relationship, whereas only 6 % of male homicide victims were killed by their wives or girlfriends, and large number (42 %) committed suicide after homicide, with most ending in the completed suicide of the perpetrator.
As regards the closely correlation between partner violence and homicide and alcohol and substance abuse , studies found that men who consumed alcohol were 3 times likely to commit violent acts against their partners and also women with alcohol and substance abuse show high rates of F.M.P.V.
Most researchers report high increase in the domestic homicide rate recent years, while other researchers record decrease in domestic violence homicide rates due to mandatory jail sentences for misdemeanor domestic violence homicide offenders, laws restricting access to firearms by abusers under restraining orders reduce IPHs.
The incidence of domestic homicide is somewhat higher in rural areas than in urban areas, the incidences of these crimes were higher in upper Egypt governorates (48.2 %) than frontier governorates (11.5 %).
Homicide here is closely related to age, the rate of violence and homicide for couples in the 18 to 29 age group are highest, studies considered the age group 20 -40 is the nosy age and one of the risk factors for violence and related homicide.
The majority of parricides are committed by adult male offspring which usually suffering from psychotic illness, usually schizophrenia and the victim is usually the father, juveniles who kill parents are rare than adults. While fathers kill their children in most cases of filicide out of low socioeconomic status and substance abuse, while women who kill their children have high incidences of psychosis, social isolation, depression and low socioeconomic status.
Siblicides only accounted for approximately 1.12% of all homicides and up till now these homicides are understudied due to scarcity of incidents, the few studies suggest that murder here are often the result of sibiling rivalry, stress, unresolved conflicts, mental illness and alcohol and substance abuse.
There are many disorders associated with domestic homicide aggressive behavior which may be the presenting symptom of this disorder and indicate immediate intervention and management, from these disorders :- (a) Psychiatric disorders, (b) primary brain diseases like ( encephalitis, brain tumors and epilepsy) and (c) systemic diseases like ( hypoxia, electrolyte imbalance and hypoglycemia), most of these causes are treatable and reversible.
However, the greater the number of psychiatric illnesses the greater or higher rate of violence, and also when a substance abuse disorder coexists with another psychiatric disorder such as depression, the rate of violence increases by 30% to 50% .
Manic patients are more violent than schizophrenic and other patients at the first hours of agitation and acute stage thus they must take medication quickly however, manic patients may respond to treatment faster than schizophrenics; thus, violence related to psychosis abates faster in manic patients than in schizophrenic patients. Paranoid schizophrenic’s violent behavior is under the influence of the delusion. Studies had shown that 25 to 50 percent of people with bipolar disorder (manic depression) attempt suicide. Stranger homicide by patients with psychosis is exceptionally rare, with an incidence of approximately 1 case per 14 million populations per year.
Aggressive behavior or violence in antisocial personality disorders is an expression of their failure in life thus psychopaths showed higher rate of criminal acts than non-psychopaths. Two relevant personality types are described in cases of (I.P.H) especially with men, borderline personality disorder and antisocial personality. While, 25 to 50 percent of criminal females commit domestic violence homicide appear to exhibit higher rates of borderline personality disorder.
Domestic homicide has many consequences even on intimate partner or on children, physical intimate partner victimization was associated with increased risk for poor health, depressive symptoms, substance use, and developing a chronic disease, chronic mental illness, and injury (range from slaps to threats with lethal weapon).
The impact of domestic homicide on children has an immediate effects varies, in part, based on the child’s proximity to the event. Although post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, physical health problems including psychosomatic concerns, and sleep disturbances are common, they are more often reported in children who witnessed the murder. And long-range effects as in domestic fatalities, children lose either parents or their equivalent at once; they become both a victim-survivor and offspring of a murderer.
Pennsylvania Coalition against domestic violence; provides a listing of lethality indicators as a reference. Obviously, the more indicators present or the greater intensity of the indicators the greater intensity of the indicators the grater the potential for domestic violence homicide.
Treatment of violence required a multi-faceted approach that often combines: (a) pharmacological approach treatment which includes: antipsychotic medications (whether conventional or novel generations ), benzodiazepines , antidepressants, lithium and B- blockers. (b) behavioral treatment, (c) psycho dynamically informed psychotherapy, (d) family treatment, (e) electro convulsive therapy (ECT), and (f) psychosurgery involves surgical modification of the brain with the goal of reducing the intractable and extreme aggression, and that neurosurgical intervention may be used to manage violence in temporal lobe epilepsy, which it is contraindicated recently in patients with poor impulse control, psychopathic, alcoholics and drug addicts.
Recent researchers have noted the importance of precise medical reporting for cases of domestic violence which demonstrates that medical reports must be highly detailed, written legibly, as they are critical in decisions to launch criminal cases domestic violence.
Regarding the women rights in the Egyptian laws, the law represents the maximum protection of women in special concerns on one hand and authorizes the rules of equality on the other hand
Harm reduction in short, focuses on the prevention of injury and the saving of lives, and also it is believed that murder in the family, like suicide, is highly preventable through:
(1) Primary prevention is through reduction of the incidence of new victimization, early assessment of danger and lethality indicators.
(2) Secondary prevention is early case finding and detection.
(3) Tertiary prevention involves working with victims to ameliorate long-term effects of the victimization by the use of individual, family and group psychotherapies, and psychiatrist’s vital role.
In relation to criminal responsibility; any person who unlawfully kills another is guilty of a crime, which is called murder or manslaughter, according to the circumstances of the case.
Murder is committed out of sane person; if that person intends to cause the death, or intends to cause grievous bodily harm leads to death. However, manslaughter can be committed even voluntary where a partial defense applies, namely loss of control, diminished responsibility or killing pursuant to a suicide pact. Or involuntary as in “gross negligence manslaughter” and “unlawful and dangerous act manslaughter”.
Person is criminally not responsible under insanity and immature age.