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Evaluation of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice about breast self examination
among women in a primary health care center in Cairo/
Fahim, Marian Gamal.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Marian Gamal Fahim
مشرف / Mohamed Salah Gabal
مشرف / Hasnaa Abdel-Al Abouseif
مشرف / Mohamed Abdel-Mageid Tolba
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
137 p. :
ممارسة طب الأسرة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - طب الأسرة
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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The main focus of this study was to assess knowledge, attitude and practice regarding BSE among women attending family center in semi urban area in Shoubra, to implement a health education program and to evaluate the impact of this health education program regarding BSE among them.
One hundred and twenty women attended family center in Shoubra were interviewed to measure their knowledge regarding definition, frequency, age and suitable time of BSE, critical signs of BC, and the proper techniques and their practice of BSE and also to determine their attitude towards BSE. Ninety-six women attended health education program about BSE, seventy women of them were interviewed after the intervention to evaluate the impact of this health education program and fifty-nine women from the seventy women re-interviewed after the intervention by one month to re-evaluate the program.
The mean age of women was 35.8 + 10.3 years. More than half of the sample (58.3%) was living in urban area. The majority of the sample achieved secondary and essential education (31.6% & 29.2%). Also, the majority of participated women (60.8%) were house wife and only 4.2% were still students. As regarding the marital status; the majority of women (77.5) were married and 76.6% of the respondents got birth more than once. Only 18.3% of studied women had a family history of breast cancer.
It was found that around half of sample (56.7%) heard about BSE and media was the main source of their knowledge. Majority of women (88.3%) in this study had poor knowledge regarding BSE as regarding definition, frequency, age and suitable time to practice it, 82.5% of the participants had poor knowledge regarding critical signs of BC and as regarding Knowledge of proper techniques of BSE 88.2% of studied women had poor knowledge.
There was no clear association between the age of participated women and their knowledge regarding BSE. Urban females had better knowledge than rural area as regarding critical signs of BC and proper technique of BSE (Odds ratio 4.2 & 3.6 respectively). Women’s education and their jobs were related to their knowledge score about proper techniques of BSE. Family history of breast cancer was related to knowledge about proper techniques of BSE.
The attitude of the 80% of respondent was neutral towards the BSE and it’s value and 19.2% agree or strongly agree.
Only 10.8% of studied sample perform monthly BSE. Lack of knowledge about BSE and its value represent the main cause for not or irregular practicing BSE as this barrier account for 74.5%. There was no significant relation between socio-demographic characteristic of participants and practice of BSE.
After implementing the program concerning BSE, knowledge of participated women regarding definition, frequency, age and suitable time of BSE increased from 8.3% to be 93%. Also as regard the level of knowledge of critical signs of BC it increased from 18.5% to 98.6% and knowledge about proper techniques of BSE increased from 50.9 to be 98.6.
As regarding participant’s attitude towards BSE and its practice there was a slight change as women with neutral response before the intervention 17.1% of them their response changed to be strongly agree after the intervention.
After month from the intervention the knowledge score regarding critical signs of BC and techniques of BSE was increased to 100.0% but towards the definition, frequency age and suitable time of BSE was decline to 88.3% from 93% after the intervention. Regarding monthly practice of BSE it increased to be 72.1%.