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Role of Radiofrequency in the Management of chronic Low Back Pain /
El Boghdady, Mohamed Hamdy.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد حمدى البغدادى
مشرف / محمد وائل سمير
مشرف / حاتم عادل صبري
مشرف / محمد مصطفى قطب
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
196 p. :
علم الأعصاب السريري
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - جراحة المخ والأعصاب
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view


Low back pain (LBP) is related to disability and work absence and accounts for high economical costs. The management of LBP comprises a range of different intervention strategies including surgery, drug therapy, and non-medical interventions.
Failed back surgery syndrome is a common problem with enormous costs to patients, insurers, and society, defined as persistent back and/ or leg pain after spine surgery.
The etiology of failed back surgery can be poor patient selection, incorrect diagnosis, suboptimal selection of surgery, poor technique, failure to achieve surgical goals, and/or recurrent pathology.
In addition to causing localized spinal pain, facet joints may refer pain to adjacent structures.
Radiofrequency neurotomy has a reasonable result in conservative management of low back pain with variable results, with good values regarding the pain perception and also functional abilities.
To study the benefit from radiofrequency neurotomy for reasonable period evaluating the patient with chronic low back pain, this study was conducted as a prospective study at El Galaa Military Hospital. It included twenty-five patients; they had chronic low back pain, underwent radiofrequency neurotomy and followed up for three months regarding pain score and daily living activities.
 Low back pain is a medical, social and economical problem.
 The management of such problem has many ways of minimally invasive methods like radiofrequency neurotomy.
 The results obtained after three months of follow up were reasonable and indicated good results in the management of such problem.
 Radiofrequency neurotomy had advantage regarding the long term follow up but the costs and equipment-wised problem still make it less prevailed.
 Longer follow up and randomized study if could be conducted the results may indicate much clues.