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Can Placental Thickness Predict Fetal Weight? /
Ismail, Maysoon Hossam.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Maysoon Hossam Ismail
مشرف / Mohammed Ahmed El-Kady
مشرف / Mohammed Ahmed El-Kady
مناقش / Ahmed Mohammed Essam El-Din Mansour
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
122P. :
أمراض النساء والتوليد
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - نساء وتوليد
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Tof using ultrasound measurement of placental thickness as a predictor of actual neonatal birth weight.
This prospective observational study was conducted at Ain Shams University Maternity Hospital and included 100 normal antenatal pregnant women who attended antenatal Clinic at the department of obstetrics and gynecology, Ain Shams University Maternity Hospital. The women were on the average 28 years old, ± 10 years with an average of gestational age of 24-28 weeks taking in consideration that the patient had accurate gestational dating by sure and reliable menstrual period with a history of regular menstruation for a singleton viable pregnancy and the actual birth weight at delivery is available and excluding multiple pregnancy, intrauterine fetal death, stillbirth, known congenital fetal anomalies, placenta previa, placenta anomalies or poor visualization of placenta, anemia and patients with medical disorders e.g: systemic hypertension, pregnancy induced hypertension and diabetes mellitus.
Each pregnant patient underwent ultrasound assessment of fetal anatomy and fetal biometry. Then estimation of fetal weight (EFW) calculated by the formula of Hadlock et al. (1985), based on Biparietal diameter, abdominal circumference, femur length and growth percentile.
Ultrasound estimation of maximum placental thickness in the cross section measured to 1 mm precision, at its greatest thickness which was perpendicular to the uterine wall. The uterine myometrium and the retroplacental veins were excluded using 3D & 2D ultrasound respectively.
Ultrasound assessment was done for all fetal parameters and placental thickness every four weeks until 36 weeks (two visits). The pregnant women were followed up at labor and delivery ward of Ain Shams University Maternity hospital for actual neonatal birth weight.
All sonographic examinations were performed trans-abdominally by one experienced sonographer in fetal care unit.
All ultrasound examinations were perfo
he aim of the present study is to assess the value
rmed by the same operator using a conventional ultrasound equipment Samsung H60 with a 3.5 MHz curved transducer.
During the examination, the setting did not change. The region of interest included the whole placental region.
During the analysis and calculation, the results of simple linear regression analysis for prediction of actual birth weight from placental thickness at visits 1,2 and 3.
According to our study, the regression equation for determination of neonatal weight from the placental thickness in visit 1 Predicted birth weight (kg) = 2.8189 + 0.09352 x placental thickness (cm).
According to the present study, the regression equation for determination of neonatal weight from the placental thickness in visit 2 Predicted birth weight (kg) = 2.7699 + 0.09896 x placental thickness (cm).
According to the current study, the regression equation for determination of neonatal weight from the placental thickness in visit 3 Predicted birth weight (kg) = 2.6817 + 0.1139 x placental thickness (cm).
The predictive rule could estimate the actual birth weight with an accuracy of ± 0.450 kg (SEest = 0.450 kg). In visits 1 and 2; ± 0.448 kg (SEest = 0.448 kg) in visit 3.
The actual neonatal birth weight very weak compared with the placental thickness.
In the present study, the only limitation was that the 3D ultrasound is expensive and needs well trained personnel