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Guidelines for Early Detection of Cervical Cancer among High Risk group Women /
Abdallah, Wafaa Gomaa.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / وفــاء جمعــه عبدالله عليـــوه
مشرف / منـــي أحمــد الشيـــخ
مشرف / حنــان عبد الفتـــاح، سحـــر موســـى سليمــــان
مشرف / ياســـر أبو طالــب
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
277 p. :
الأمومة والقبالة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - تمريض الأمومة وأمراض النساء
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Despite the significant impact of this disease has had not only on women but also on the partners who live with them, but this disease still until now detected in late or at end stage this vary according to awareness regarding cervical cancer disease among women to other’s. In addition to, there is no clear physical & sexual symptoms, show that women’s are suffering from cervical cancer sign and symptoms (Harper, et al, 2013).
The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of guidelines for early detection of cervical cancer among high risk group women. To achieve the study objective, a Quasi experimental design had been implemented at early detection unit at Ain shams University Maternity Hospital.
A purposive sample technique was used and this technique followed for daily data collection till the completion of the specified period of data collection. One hundred and twenty (120) women were included in the study those where available through period of data collection (one year and four months). Working sample was one hundred only & DROP out 20 women from study sample. The researcher used four different tools for data collection that named, cervical cancer interview Arabic questionnaire sheet to assess woman knowledge regarding cervical cancer before and after using guideline.; Follow up sheet to follow using of guidelines among high risk group women.; Diary sheet to follow women complain & symptoms.; Likert scale to evaluate attitude of high risk group women toward cervical cancer before and after using guideline.
In addition to, Nursing guideline has had a significant effect on women’s health., Also nursing guideline play an important role in promote women wellness who are both healthy and ill. Moreover, the nurse’s are capable of playing a more prominent role by participating in the entire cervical cancer prevention through increase awareness toward: screening test, diagnosis and treatment (Pati, 2013).
The present study revealed that:
• Regarding women age, 38.0% of women their age ranged from 32 to 37 years. While, 57.0% of women their martial duration ranged between 6 to 10 years and all of studied women was married. On other hand, 48.0% of women have secondary educational level.
• As regard their knowledge before and after using guideline the present study reveals that 71.0%, 19.0% & 10.0% of studied women have incorrect, incomplete correct and complete correct answer respectively. Concerning to women knowledge after using guideline the present study reported that 13.0%, 25.0% and 62.0% of studied women have incorrect, incomplete correct and complete correct answer respectively.
• Furthermore, 25.0%, 18.0% and 12.0% of women have their sources of knowledge regarding cervical cancer from internet, colleague and health care provider respectively.
• As regards women attitude regarding cervical cancer before using guideline the present study show that 48.0%, 22.0% and 30.0% of studied women have negative, uncertain and positive attitude respectively. While, 18.0%, 17.0% and 65.0% of women had negative, uncertain and positive attitude respectively after using guideline.
• In addition to, highly statistical significant difference between women knowledge regarding cervical cancer and their age and educational level after using guideline. Meanwhile, there is no statistical significant difference between women knowledge regarding cervical cancer and their marital duration.
• There was highly statistical significant difference between women knowledge regarding cervical cancer and their chronic disease & types of chronic diseases after using guideline.
• There was highly statistical significant difference between women knowledge regarding cervical cancer and their obstetric history after using guideline.
• There was highly statistical significant difference between women knowledge regarding cervical cancer and their gynecological surgery after using guideline.
• The present study revealed that there is a direct correlation between knowledge and attitude. where the knowledge decreased lead to decrease attitude and the opposite more knowledge has increased significantly with attitude. This observable through the relationship between women’s knowledge and attitudes before and after using guideline. where there is strong positive correlation between women knowledge and attitude regarding cervical cancer after using guideline.
In conclusion, the findings of the present study showed that, nursing guideline influence on women screening follow up for cervical cancer among high risk group women, nursing guideline enhance women knowledge & attitude positively regarding cervical cancer. Based on this finding, the researcher recommended; There is an urgent need for conduction of educational programs targeting women by trained health care providers to providing information regarding cervical cancer, Dissemination of cervical guideline among female in gynecological clinical to prevent the risk of cervical cancer.